peggy sue. i can't. i'm too embarrassed. there's something pathetic parked in front of my house. i'm still waiting for the mortgage check. well, today's saturday and it's still not here. that stays. i don't buy them anymore. you were the only one who drank them. i know. put scott through college. are you taking janet to the reunion tonight? bye sweetheart. if the pastries aren't here by nine thirty, call monica and threaten her life. i'll be back by noon. oh, dolores. carol! 1 just did it for the reunion. i thought it would be fun. this is my old friend carol. i told you about her. how do you like my hair? i have a lot of unresolved feelings about him. i don't trust him. besides, i hate those commercials. but i want you and scott to understand. do you think he loves janet? maybe he's smashed too many fortune cookies. then we'd both have a miserable time. what do you think? borrow?! this was my dress. maybe it's a mistake. what if i'm the only one? i don't even want to go. everybody's just going to say. hi. where's crazy charlie? not from the guy with the lowest prices in town. i feel ridiculous. maybe i should go home and change. i don't know. reunions do funny things to people. it was beth's idea. arthur, please don't call me peg. beth's boyfriend is playing in the band. okay. i was once. richard!? richard norvik? i didn't recognize you. i just did it for tonight. i don't normally dress like this. hello. nice to meet you. please call me peggy. i'm peggy bodell now. he's not here. we're getting divorced. i don't know how you do it. i've never even dated anybody but charlie. we did for a long time. we just got married too young, and ended up blaming each other for missing out on things. it's not the place. i don't buy that. trapped in the same town forever. the price she would pay for her teenage lust. oh, it's not so bad. i have two wonderful kids, my own business. still, knowing what i know now, if i had the chance to do it all over again, i'd sure do things a lot differently. rosalie testa! you have an incredible memory. yes. these are my children. but they're not babies anymore. michael fitzsimmons. i had such a crush on him. your first boyfriend. what do you think? any sparks left? sharon norvik this is carol heath, and maddy nagle. my oldest and dearest friends. sharon's married to richard. no. i asked rosalie. she couldn't track him down. he was the only one in high school i wished i'd gone to bed with. well, besides charlie, of course. well, you showed them. you're rich and famous and successful. and you have a beautiful wife. what was? you're a sweet man, richard. you know, i never told anybody this, but i always had a feeling that when you die, before you go to heaven, you get a chance to fly around high school for a while. i can't. it's all too much. thank you. thank you very much. charlie! am i dead? what's going on? where am i? how did i get here? no thanks. i gave them up years ago. where is it? maddy, what did you do to your hair? that's okay. i'm sure i'll remember the way. yes. let's stay in touch. peggy. peggy sue. mom! i have a note. i'm excused. mom! chanel number five. that always reminds me of home. i'm home now. okay, i'm alone now. is anyone here? no. this is crazy. is somebody going to tell me what's going on? why me? what happened? you don't have to show up. i don't have to see you. just send me a sign. thanks a lot. 1 guess i'm on my own. nancy! come here. i'm just happy to see you. i'm sorry about that. i really want us to be closer. i have enough unresolved relationships in my. life. let's do something together. do you want to play monopoly? or careers. clue. snakes and ladders? it's unbelievable. the man never ages. don't eat the red ones. they're bad for you. they cause. red lips. can't hurt. i'm already dead. oh, daddy. you were always doing things like that. that's funny! that's really funny. just a little. i've had a tough day. grounded? ha! the story of my life. i don't wanna go to my room. i wanna import japanese cars. i wanna go to liverpool and discover the beatles. dad, i never knew you had a sense of humor. oh mom, i forgot you were ever so young. let's get physical!. let's get metaphysical! good morning. oh. i forgot. i'm still here, aren't i? i may as well enjoy myself. i'm going to go to school today. dad, i want to apologize for yesterday. the car is a classic. use it in the best of health. that would be impossible. mom, is there any coffee left? oh. ah. recently. all the kids drink it. i think i'm way ahead of them. you know, you two are wonderful parents. i'm really going to try to behave myself. mom, sit down for a minute. this is so nice, all of us being together again like this. oh yeah. charlie. how am i going to handle him? sort of. the house payments. pretty strange. not now, charlie. i've got a headache. get used to the word. roll it around your tongue for a years. you drive like a maniac! oh yeah? refresh my memory. maybe i blocked it out. why wait? they'll learn to live with it. would you? where's rosalie testa? test? mr. snelgrove, i happen to know that in the future, i will never have the slightest use for algebra. and i speak from experience. mr. gilfond, can i talk to you? i just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy your class. you taught me a lot and. you're a very fine teacher. thank you. um, i also think you're underpaid. what do you mean? arthur, please don't call me peg. i don't get it. i'll be right back. congratulations on the math contest, richard. get lost you macho shmuck. i have to talk to you. it's very important. it's not that. can we meet after school? please? all. okay. sure. choosing a good nursery school can be one of the most important decisions you can make. it will often determine your child's attitude towards education and schooling. of course, the lessons learned are primarily social sharing, being considerate of others. and they're so cute when they're little. they bring you back their little masterpieces every day and you put 'em on the refrigerator door. they're so proud, and their names are all misspelled. scott would always print his s backwards, and beth would make her sweet little flowers. thanks. i thought it had a lot of merit. rejected, worthless, miserable. good. what a great kite. i want to ask you a question. do you think. time travel is possible? sort of. what's that? i know what a burrito is. what's inside? so you think time travel is possible? for people? listen, you've gotta keep this a secret. you can't tell a soul. promise? this is serious. nobody can know. ah, i've returned from the future. i traveled back here 25 years. you have a blind grandfather. one day you're going to invent a machine that reads books for blind people. i read about it. you're going to be famous. you're going to invent a lot of things. because i'm telling you the truth. i know what's going to happen. there's going to be test tube babies and heart transplants. and an american named neil armstrong is going to walk on the moon. on july 20, 1969. i don't know. that's why i was getting a divorce. what i really think is that i had a heart attack at the reunion and died. come on, richard, i'm serious. am i dead or not? what're you doing? no! i don't want to die! what if it's beyond science? what it it's god? i don't know. i told you, i've already lived my life. i don't know how or why i'm here, but you have to help me get back. i want to get back to my real life! i'm trying. i'll see you tomorrow. who was that man? it was great to see everybody again. but it's so boring and regimented. most of what they teach is useless. the worst thing was lunch. sure, mom. hello. it's grandma. i can't talk to her now. i'm sorry, grandma. i had a dream that grandma died. she did? i love her so much, and i haven't seen her in such a long time. and grandpa barney. is he all, right? i'm sorry, mom. i'll call grandma back and apologize. i'm confused about a lot of things right now. charlie's only one of them. what do you mean? oh, beth. for what? i don't feel very festive. where did you get that sweater? it's really fifties. you sort of clash with the world. right. i promised my mother. charlie, how are you? seriously. what's it like to be eighteen? hi, guys. why i oughta! you know, i never could figure that one out. don't get your hopes up. he is kind of cute, isn't he? he does? first of all, richard is not a creep. he happens to be an exceptional person. if any of you gave him half a chance, you'd find that out. dolores, can't you be a little kinder to people? you don't even know the boy. if you weren't so neurotic and insecure, maybe you'd shut up for a while and show some compassion. touchy, touchy! charlie, what do you think of richard norvik? he's trying. come on, let's dance. you're pretty charming when you want to be. mmm. this is nice. i always loved the way you kiss. i missed you. you really love me, don't you? charlie, let's make love. a lot's happened since last weekend. i probably meant it when i said it. doesn't lucky chuckie want to come out? you know. your love machine. the throbbing thrill hammer. your thing! this is a mistake. we better forget it. i'm sorry charlie. monica? aren't you monica hines? ah. never mind. can i have a coffee, please? and a cinnamon cruller. how's bobo? you're kidding? i was impressed with what you said in english class today. you don't? maybe you're confusing his life with his work. the young man leaned back in his chair. no bulls would die today. coffee and a donut. hey, man, i'm a hip chick. yeah. i'm surprised. it's really old. travels well though. you know, the world looks a lot better from up here. what are you shooting for? don't you get along with your parents? they care about you. they're just a different generation. i already did that. i want to be a dancer, i want to dance. is that one of your poems? i'd love to. michael. you're as good as you looked. i envy you. you have your whole life ahead of you and you know exactly what you want to do. but forget the rat puke; write something beautiful. you know, this isn't really happening. thanks, ralph. i went for a drive. up in the hills. it's not charlie. it's me. at my age? don't be silly. dad. it's not a big deal. didn't you ever stay out all night when you were young? calm down. just listen for a minute. please. i want to help with the family finances. i want you to buy some stocks. and gold. by 1980 gold is going to be worth eight hundred dollars an ounce. then you sell. i think they're going to deregulate it. oh boy, that's another thing that's going to change. who's going to think for us? our husbands? you know, you treat mom like a maid. it's not entirely your fault. those were the attitudes in the fifties, and that's the way you raised me. but give nancy a break, encourage her to go to art school. listen dad, please. buy ibm, buy polaroid, buy apple computer. no, no. not yet. buy xerox! way to go, mom! i'm just not the type. besides, i want to get out of here. i tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen to me. richard, take it easy. how come you never ask me any important questions? don't you wonder if there's going to be a nuclear war? or a cure for cancer? what about your family? what about people? give me some credit, will you? wbat're you talking about? sixtyforty. okay, find yourself another vision. when do we start? quiche lorraine, spinach salad and a perrier. dry cleaners. no real change. just higher prices. ah. this is a biggie. forget sneakers. running shoes, jogging shoes, tennis shoes. fifty to two hundred dollars a pair. there are major fortunes to be made here. leisure time and lifestyles. not for you. okay, there's lots more. look at that stuff. it's like the dark ages. this is more your speed. and boy, do i know this business. you don't have to use pig latin! nobody could possibly know what we're talking about. oh. and huge portable radios. everything else gets small, but for some reason, portable radios get enormous. i'll be right back. richard! they don't have any! they never heard of them! isn't that wonderful? the wave of the future! i've decided on our first fortune! i'll see you later. you just think high tech. woody! how ya doing? nice to see you. what do you know about classical music? charlie. about last nights. but i'm not. i'm a grown woman with a lifetime of emotional experiences you couldn't possibly understand. why? what am i going to do with you? hi, dad. open it. i closed my christmas club. i wanted to apologize for this morning. quiet today? the hat business is in trouble. yes. but when john f. kennedy's elected president, men'1l stop wearing hats. he'll win. of course, he'll love it. you're a terrific artist. on what? she's unbelievable. who needs satellites when we've got dolores's mouth? did you memorize the whole book or only the good parts? you're kidding? carol, you have beautiful hair. he's very interesting. for all his pretending to be a tough guy, he's really got the soul of a poet. that loudmouthed little bitch~ cool it kids. he's free to see other girls, if he wants. i'm not going to marry him. i just went out with him once. i know! why don't we go to the movies tonight. just us girls. it'll be fun. okay. but let's have a girls night soon. maybe a pajama party. ta da! pantyhose! the death of the garter belt! of course, once they're manufactured they'll look better than this. what do you think? instead of a girdle. and light as a feather. and we won't just sell them in department stores. we'll market them in drug stores and supermarkets. you need a partner. there's a friend of mine at school whose father makes seat covers for cars, mr. fitzsimmons. i've invited him and his family over for dinner tomorrow night. we've got to move fast. this is an idea whose time has come. wrong, dad. your idea. charlie. i just had the strangest dream. what are you doing here? i bumped into him after you dropped me off last night. i didn't feel like going home, so we went for a ride. you know i never could stand your sarcasm. and why do you always refer to yourself in the third person, like napoleon? how come it always turns into an argument with you? charlie,. i've been trying to postpone this. but what's the point? it's over. i don't want to hurt you. this is very hard for me. i'm doing this for both of us. i really want you to be happy. that won't make any difference. we just can't live together. and you had the nerve to drive up with that bimbo janet. i just can't trust you anymore. that's just it. you can always get to me. there's this window in my heart and every time i leave it open, you climb in. unless i close it now, nothing's ever going to be different! everything. i have a good head for business, i should be franchising the bakery. and i want you to give me your word that whatever happens, you'll go to college. and finish. i'm trying to save you years of frustration. waiting for a big break. no. waiting for that big disappointment so you could blame it all on me. hello, grandma. it's peggy sue. much better. how are you? i'm very sorry about the other day. hi, richard. jogging. i was running, now i'm jogging. yep. it's going to be a law. i broke up with charlie last night. it was an unfair fight. he didn't have a chance. i'm taking a real gamble. i loved him for a long, long time. for god's sake, forget the money! i'm going crazy! i'm a walking anachronism. i'm a puddle of deja i'm worried about my kids, scott must be scared to death, i think my daughter's doing drugs again. i can't have any fun here, i don't have that innocence any more. i can't keep all this in anymore. i feel like i'm going to explode. like what? what do you know about hypnosis? look, i'm desperate. i'll try anything. but what if you can't snap me out of it? peggy sue kelcher. or, peggy bodell. i'm not sure. ah. they're very tiny. they look like a fingernail made out of an erector set. i think it's called silicon. charlie told me that. we were lying in the sand. it was my eighteenth birthday. we were so awkward. i would have married him anyway. no. the pill will change all that. then he wouldn't have blamed me. we were just too young. no. the pill will be for birth control. but girls do like sex. maybe not the first time. yes, every day. maybe i shouldn't have worn that dress? i told beth it was a bad idea. that's why they made me queen. i couldn't help it i loved him. richard! you should be ashamed of yourself. that's just perfect isn't it? did it work? did you find out why i came back? god dammit! how'm i gonna got out of here? oh, go feel up your hamsters! i hear rodents put out. mom, how about a machine that's like your blender, only it slices vegetables, kneads dough, chops meat and even make fresh pasta? no, just a friend of mine. i don't think he likes jello. you know mom, it's okay to have male friends. besides, it's over with me and charlie. yeah, i know peggy sue gets married. case closed. period. mom, if you could live your life over again, would you do the same thing? get married and settle down after high school? why? it's incredibly difficult to make money in the restaurant business. you have to get up at five in the morning to go to the market, you have problems with spoilage, employee pilferage, and just try and collect from the credit card companies. they take months to pay. oh, i just picked it up from my dad. he's a wonderful businessman. i shouldn't have put you through that. it must have been agony. let's do something. no. something else. i'm too full. besides, it's a school night. for everyone. utah? i thought you'd be going to new york or paris. what's in utah? i can't do that. i hate chickens. michael, you and i are light years apart. you should go, but not with me. that's a terrific line. you're going to be a wonderful writer. yes. we had a glorious night together. one day you'll remember and write about it. ssh. he's great. i thought i knew everything about him. what? how did it go with the pantyhose? oh no! he's a liar! he has no such thing! it's my own fault. i should have had it patented first. he's a crook, damnit. oh, you're both so naive. i wanted to talk to you, and i have one last thing to take care of at school. then i'm going to. good dog, rusty. good dog. oh. i guess i always liked rusty better. could you give me a ride to school? well, how about a walk, charlie bell. i was at lena's last night. you were terrific. what were you doing there? you never told me you were singing with an r and b group. i'd forgotten how much music meant to you. stop being defensive. i want to help you. i wrote a song for you. not exactly, but with your great voice, it'll be a huge hit. honest. just take a look at it. it means i care about you and what happens to you. what's the matter? what happened? welcome to the singles' scene. look, carol, maybe walter's done you a big favor. you always said you wanted to get out of town. go for it. and be happy, goddamnit, i'm rooting for you. you know dolores, there's a lot of things i could say to you, but you're not worth the effort. sorry. these fountain pens are so tricky. i beg your pardon? have a nice day. rosalie! wait! i think you should give up diving. it's dangerous. i know you are, but you have to stop. i couldn't tell you before, i didn't know if i should. but you have to stop before you hurt yourself. but accidents can happen. rosalie, please, listen to me! you have to stop. it's all, gone wrong, nothing's working out. you were meant to. you're one of those fortunate people that good things happen to. i have to get out of here. i love you too, richard. thanks for trying. forget it, it'll never work. thank you. fine. ) grandma, would you teach me how to make strudel? i wish she hadn't. do you believe in all of that? i remember that book! grandpa, grandma, i want to tell you something. but i'm remembering the future. my children make me happy. i miss them so much. beth. scott and beth. i'm going to name my daughter after you. that never changes. you know, when you and grandma are gone, the family's gone. i never see the cousins anymore. grandpa, if you had a chance to do it all again, what would you do? it was my idea, grandma. i always wondered what went on at those lodge meetings. goodbye, grandma. what does grandma think you do at your meetings? i hope so. at least i got to see you and grandma. has it ever worked before? thank you. ah. thank you. do you have to wear that hat? yes, sir. fasten your seat belts. here we go. this is never going to work. what the hell did you do that for? what are you doing here? don't be ridiculous! they're just a bunch of harmless old men. my grandfather was in there. i'm not getting in that blue monstrosity. let me got! where are you taking me? how could you possibly know what i've been going through? what do you mean you and my father decided? who the hell are you to plan my life? let's get married and live happily ever after. bullshit. i got knocked up. i had to marry you. i never had a choice. you betrayed me, charlie. you were never there for me or the children. and now you come and tell me, "peggy, you're scared." of course i'm scared. if you knew what i knew you'd be scared shitless. i might be crazy, but i'm not crazy enough to marry you twice. there's a lot of things i can't change. i can't even think about them. i tried. but i couldn't even help rosalie. i don't want to be bitter. i'm a naturally optimistic person. but you took advantage of that. will you take me back to my grandparents? oh, charlie. scott and beth. where did you get these? so are scott and beth. i know. do you think anybody in the fifties ever made love on a bed? i've got to go now. i'll love you, too, charlie. i'll love you for twenty years. i'm trying. charlie? was i dead? you look awful, like you haven't slept in days. and so old. charlie, i thought i knew everything about you. what about janet? who are all the flowers from? it couldn't be me. i hardly knew him. charlie, i had a strange experience. i went back to high school. and i spent a lot of time with you. and you and walter and leon were singing "i wonder why". you were terrific. and i kept trying to push you away but you wouldn't give up. then hold me. don't try to charm me, charlie bodell. charlie, i would like to invite you to dinner at home, on sunday, with your kids. i will make a strudel. i came to say goodbye. you were meant to you're one of those fortunate people that good things happen to. vision? i'm a walking anachronism! i've upset my parents. i miss my kids. i could be trapped here forever! and poor charlie. i got pregnant on my 18th birthday and we had to get married. tomorrow's my birthday! i've got to get out of here now. yeah, yeah. i'm taking a big gamble. i've loved him for a long, long time. no! no! no! peggy sue got married! case closed. i don't want to marry anybody. goodbye richard. You can't. You're going to be Valedictorian.