you look exactly the same. oh, i'm sorry. peggy sue kelcher, my wife sharon. where's charlie? i was in town about a year ago and caught one of his commercials. really made me laugh. gee. i'm sorry to hear that. thank you, doug. fifth generation core capacities are going to cause another shakeout in the smaller companies. sure. i remember you. are we through dolores? good. you'll be okay? the only time people like dolores used to pay any attention to me was to laugh at me or insult me. that guy, doug snell, who shook my hand when we walked in, he used to call me a foureyed worm. you were always friendly to me. i appreciated that. you know, this used to be a fantasy of mine. dancing with you. i guess part of us never really leaves high school. sharon and i thank you all for making us feel so welcome. it's good to be back. it really wasn't that difficult. i'm not doing any tutoring this year. i'm too busy. all right. i'll be in the physics lab. make it fourthirty. i have a rocket club meeting. i'm writing a book on kite construction. what did you want to talk about? are you doing some kind of science project? well. in a newtonian framework, the possibilities were limited, but with the advent of relativity theory, the idea of absolute time can no longer be reasonably affirmed. and then, there's richard's burrito. that's my own theory based on a mexican food called the burrito. i had it once when my parents took me to disneyland. well, i think time is like a burrito. sometimes it just folds over on itself and one part touches the other. you can till it with whatever you want. from illusions to memory, from experience to innocence, from happiness to the entire universes absolutely. people, dogs, elephants. okay. i promise. you probably are crazy. wait a minute. is this some kind of joke? i know what you all, think of me. oh yeah? how, did you know about my grandfather? holy toledo! that's six years ahead of schedule! but when did you leave? are you here until then? were you there until now? what direction are you going in? are you a moving point on an infinite line extending into the past? can anyone do it? i'd be very careful if i were you. you don' t want to fall into the clutches of some madman with plans to manipulate your brain. you look pretty good for a corpse. you're giving me the creeps. there's one way to find out. confucious says, the way out is through the door. there's a truck. there's your door. step in front of the truck! if you're dead, it won't matter. the truck'll go right through you. go ahead! you're dead! okay, you're not dead, but according to every law of science what you say happened to you is impossible. you're a molecule in chaos, a discontinuent aberration. maybe you've just got powers of precognition. well, maybe you're just out of whack. all right, i'll work on it, i'll, do some research. but in the meantime, don't get crazy. what if you're not here tomorrow? the way i see it, you have an unparalleled opportunity to become the richest woman in the world. but you have a vision. don't you want to help your parents? i'm talking about invention, no investment. i know what people think of me. mr. spasmatician. dick the square root. i'll show them. you said i was going to be a millionaire. and you're gonna help! no offense, but for a person who says she's lived an extra lifetime, you certainly are thick. money is power. money makes people respect you. i'm curious, but i don't want to know. jeez, i hope you haven't been telling people what's going to happen to them. good. you're discreet. i like that in a partner. look it's very simple. you tell me everything that hasn't been invented yet, and i'll invent it. we'll be partners. fiftyfifty. you're taking advantage of a minor. a ton on a bun, with fries. come on. you can't be serious. are you talking ~about exercise? like gym? let's see. icrowavemays, ocketpay alculatorcays. all right. these are the choices: microwave ovens, pocket calculators, walkmans, digital watches and miniature tv's. what are you talking about? high tech. i like the sound of that. what are you doing? that's what you were talking about yesterday? everybody does that in the future? that's terrific. you did it. you really changed the course of your destiny. cheer up. now you can give some other guy a shot. make it up to him later and buy him a yacht. look, the best scientific mind in this country is working on your case. may i make a suggestion? suggestion! hypnotic suggestion! why didn't i think o~ that before? everything. this is perfect. the subconscious mind remembers all. you can give me more information on microchips and then pinpoint what happened at the reunion. maybe that'll give us a clue on how to get you back. no offense, but you're pretty out of it now. you are completely relaxed. when i count to three, you will open your eyes. one. two. three. we'll start with something easy. what is your name? oh boy. peggy, what are microchips? what will they be made of? silicon is from sand. in the future, will you have to marry a girl before you have sex with her? you mean you'll give a girl a pill and she'll want to have sex? will you take of f your blouse? no! yes! i'll be right out, dad. oh shit! peggy, i'm going to snap you out of it. one. two. three. you are now awake. me? you went crazy! you started taking your clothes off. i was putting them back on for you. i think it has something to do with your birthday. you were rambling. i didn't understand the rest. hey! do you have any idea how much those beakers cost? i usually charge for hypnosis. what's the matter? not true. i think i'm making real progress on the microchip. peggy, i believe you. i believe everything you told me. it's wonderful. you're the exception that proves the rule. i can't! it's out of control! you know, peggy, there's so many things to look forward to in the future. goodbye? where're you going? what about our partnership? i'm making real progress with the microchip. so are you. you've got a vision. did you break up with charlie? okay. why don't we do something visionary. change your destiny, peggy sue. change your destiny and marry me. wait! i'll go with you!