butch rips the car into reverse and squeals all the way back to the original side alley. terrance sticks his black and white in rapid reverse and backs down the street at 40 mph. phillip returns with the bag and pores through it. the woman returns with an armload of anything she could find in the kitchen. phillip gratefully opens his sack and watches as the woman drops in a loaf of bread, a jar of mustard, candies, jams, butter and anything else she could find. empty-handed she reaches inside the door, opens her purse and dumps her money -- a couple of dollars and lots of change into the bag. sally finds something very interesting. she looks up at red. he returns her stare. red continues to cook with adler and bradley looking on. phillip reluctantly slides down off the stool and slowly walks out the door. his eyes stay on butch and eileen, barely concealing confusion mixed with a hint of jealousy. in the b.g., over his shoulder, the cafe door opens, clanging a string of bells as butch hastily exits and walks past phillip. his fingers release it as he drifts to sleep. phillip, now wide awake and scared. he notices that. butch is fingering the gun, resting it in his hands and under his right leg. the black man, whose name is mack, crosses the front of the wagon and walks to the driver's side window. phillip crawls through the ditch beside the road and squeezes through a barb wire fence. his costume hangs on a barb. he rips away from the fence leaving a foot-long strand behind. in the b.g. -- a pickup truck drives by. arch continues on down the road and passes. butch -- nearly in shock, stumbling down the road. butch walks underneath the tree without even looking at phillip. he sits down to rest. red lowers his binocs. a look of concern crosses red's lips.