i suppose you figger' he'll jus' give up. well now there's a safe bet. then why not shoot to kill. red just stares at bobby lee as the younger man moves slowly past him to the toilet. adler on the radio. so, butch, why don't you tell us where yer' goin', save us the trouble o' huntin' you down? shit. 'caus' i'm runnin' and they're chasin' and i'd jus' as soon go north as south as east as west. it's a fun lil' parlor game, lady, but right now butch haynes don't have the slightest idea where he's headed! tell him to pull up next to 'em! sitting outside, rises and slides into the airstream while think yer' pretty smart now don'tcha'? she doesn't back down, instead looking him straight in the eye. well yer' not smart but you are pretty. sally stares right at bobby lee then moves for the door. he shifts his position and blocks her. work and pleasure should naturally go together don't you think? take me, i enjoy my work. you got a mouth, don't ya? anything else, chief? where ya' want me, sir? you say when, i'll say dead. red glares at bobby lee for an extended moment. as a whistle. no need to worry. he can't hurt nobody now.