shakes his head at willits -- "don't even think about it". ditto. he pulls his eyes back to the road, notices something. staring straight ahead at phillip. butch doesn't even flinch, standing his ground in the middle of the road, staring straight into phillip's oncoming face. smiles at phillip. also asleep, but only his body -- his mind works over- time. dissolve to: his expression is blank -- then a slight smile. for a second it's as if none of this has happened, that butch will grasp phillip in his arms. a deafening gunblast turns his expression to blank. phillip, knocked to the floor by the revolver's kick, recovers to his knees, shaking like a leaf. the mambo record comes to an end, but scratches on ad his eyes flutter a bit with recognition. a slight smile crosses his dying face as he squints to see phillip's flight.