'evenin', chief. julie, put a pot of coffee on. she slowly gets up and moves to the kitchen, still weeping. i dunno. i want my job. i want my family. i answer a call in south austin. girl gettin' raped, that's the word. i bust in the door, this lowlife is beatin' the shit outta her with a tire iron. 'help me, help me,' she says. i take the guy down. he bites me. i break his arm. case closed, right? no. she was his wife and they both sue me and the department. the guy's about to kill her and she sues me 'cause now he can't pump gas. they have chump change in the bank but they got the best lawyer in town. three months i'm goin' crazy. no pay. then my wife leaves me and i get served divorce papers by john reese -- a sheriff's man. you know how embarrassin' that is? what's happenin', chief? i mean, everybody's got a fuckin' lawyer! julie emerges from the kitchen and retakes her seat. yeah. i swear to god i think i do. no cuffs, huh, chief? any good officer has a back-up. red holds his palms out and takes a step toward hayden. was i a good officer, chief? red nods. was i a good deputy? the kinda man you could depend on to do what's right? thank you. then he turns the gun on himself, swallows the barrel and blows his brains out. dissolve to: 16g ext. house - night 16g hayden's dead, covered body is carried out the door. julie screams and sobs, still holding her crying children.