garnett, i'm tom hendricks, f.b.i., out of the amarillo office. i understand you have one of our men with you? water tight. like a frog's pussy. sorry, ma'am. by the creek, half-mile down the road. i spaced officers in a circle around them 100 yards or so away. what say we both handle it? red sighs. one other thing, chief. haynes is wounded. the boy gut-shot him. he thought better of releasin' the hostage. what's he up to? keep in mind -- he still has the gun. chief, we've got an armed killer and an innocent boy out there. where the hell you going? but red's not listening, just walking, long and tall, into the field. he's stopped. hold him! if he makes a move. he's goin' for his weapon! keep everybody back! bobby lee stands, lowers his rifle disengages and smiles at hendricks. what the hell was that all about?! goddammit!! adler catches up to red. he stares at his old friend and boss as they walk along.