didn't mean to scare ya'. i work at night. it's cooler. ya'lls car break down? oh, it ain't mine. i just works it for mr. andrews. where ya'll from? quite a haul. well, ain't no sense in ya'll sleepin' in the car. not when i got a fold out couch sittin' empty. no trouble t'all. wake you up first light, fill yer' belly and send you on yer' way. mornin'. rest done ya'll some good. not jus' yet. boy, go get my thermos from the truck. cleve, still whispering and giggling with phillip, isn't really listening. don't ya hear good, boy?! mack firmly cuffs the boy's ear and cleve jumps up and out the door, one hand holding the side of his head. butch and phillip both look up at mack. boy don't got the sense gawd gave a chicken. no! boy! get over by yer' mammaw! lottie senses something is wrong. cleve, too young to smell trouble, persists. i love you. butch cocks the revolver and slides forward. his nose is almost touching mack's. this boy know i loves him, mistah'. i love you, cleve. we'll give you ever'thing we got! but butch doesn't even hear the words. he slowly opens his eyes, pulls his chin from the pistol barrel and points it at mack.