so whattaya' think? saunders motions for the photographer to come closer and take pictures. he moves in next to red and poses as the camera clicks. we are very proud of this baby. governor connally special ordered it so state officials and dignitaries can ride in the parade in dallas. you know president kennedy's comin'? latest technology, oversized engine, complete kitchen and sleeping quarters, gun racks, frig, stove, the works. even got a hot line phone straight to the governor's office. red stops circling and nods to adler, who scurries away. what's more, as soon as it gets back from dallas it will be at your requisitioned disposal. perfect for lots of situations -- a headquarters on wheels. red smiles, walks up to one of the lone star decals and rips it off. uh, chief?. red rips off another decal. adler and a few others start to load equipment, guns and files into the motor home. in addition they cart out unecessary items: mattresses, etc. and stack them in a pile outside the motor home. the photographer continues to snap photos. whattaya' doin', red?! stop takin' pictures! red does away with the parade banner. saunders follows behind and tries to reinstate the decal. it's jus' not possible, red. the governor's gonna' ride it in a campaign parade tomorrow. please, red, ya' gotta' believe me. red spots suttle, 35, bright-eyed, with a cowlick, sitting at the wheel of the chevy truck. this man stays with the vehicle wherever it goes, red! please red, i'm beggin'. i mean, what am i suppose to tell the governor? sally arrives but before she can spit out a word. not a scratch, you hear me, suttle? not a scratch! saunders stops, breathing hard, next to sally. she's pissed and overloaded with files. we didn't pass it did we? saunders spots the rv on the horizon. where are they?! how long?! well, goddammit, did he say anything? what?!