am i really gonna have my own room? yaay! yaay! wh-- hurrts! it hurrrrts! i'm ellen creed and i live at 642 alden lane, dearborn, michigan. at least, i used to. yayyy! but where are we going, mr. crandall? what's it say, mommy? it's okay, mr. crandall-- well, i thought it was safe-- bite? i want to look around, daddy-- may i? well. i guess not. what if you can't read what's written on there anymore? yes-- to remember. mommy! this is a place where dead animals talk! mr. crandall said so! daddy, that pet sematary is there because of the road, isn't it? that's what i think. i heard missy dandridge tell mom when church was fixed he wouldn't cross the road so much. in the end he's gonna croak, isn't he? it doesn't seem long to me. it seems short. i think the whole thing about pets dying s-s-sucks! yee-uck! gross! i don't want him to get his nuts cut, daddy! what if he dies? missy dandridge. and she says it's a operation! but what if he dies and has to go to the pet sematary? yayyyy! fine. except when mom was airing gage's diaper rash, he walked away and got into grampa's study and pooped in grampa's favorite chair. and a garfield radio! how's church, dad? does he miss me? well, make sure you put him down cellar before you go to bed so he can't run out in the road and get greased. and kiss him goodnight for me. want to talk to gage? daddy! daddy, is church all right? cause i had a bad dream about him. i dreamed he got hit by a car and you and mr. crandall buried him in the pet sematary. is he really all right? because you promised. i hate that smell. they're all turning on their lights! daddy, why are they all turning on their lights in the middle of the day? is that right, dad? she's in bed. she was throwing up. ever since mrs. rogers called and said missy-- no more chocolate chip cookies. missy made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world--even mom said so. now there won't be any more because she's gonna be dead forever! daddy, do you think missy dandridge went to heaven? at school michael mcdowell said she was gonna fry in hell. michael mcdowell says all sewersides fry in hell. i won't. is missy in heaven, do you think? sure, carnation. like in that movie you rented, audrey rose. do you believe that? you believe in it. i don't get it. yeah, sure. i'm not tired! then why do i have to go to bed? i want to fly it! can i fly it now, mommy! it got away from him! that numb shit! i'm going to carry this picture, mr. crandall, until god lets gage come back. he can if he wants to. he can do anything, just like inspector gadget on tv. but i have to keep things ready for him, that's what i think. i've got his picture and i'm going to sit in his chair-- and i'm going to eat his breakfast cereal, too, even though it tastes like boogers. and. and. g'night daddy. god could take it back if he wanted to, couldn't he? if he really, really wanted to? can i have faith in that? i don't want to go to chicago, gramma dory. i had a bad dream last night. a nightmare. about daddy. and gage. and someone named paxcow. come with us, daddy. please come with us! do you swear? paxcow says it's almost too late! paxcow says it's almost too late! we have to go back! paxcow says it's almost too late! paxcow says daddy's going to do something really bad. he-- he's a ghost. but he's a good ghost. will you at least call and make sure daddy's okay? please hurry.