i think this is probably for the best. he's a very old dog. he has arthritis. he has cataracts in his eyes. he's had a good life. . haven't you, boy? oh jesus. pretty much so. i wanted to get geoff out of l.a. just start things over, you know? that's renee alright. geoff, what if we just give the clothes to goodwill? we'll keep the rest. just the clothes. all the 'renee' boxes go in the attic. sorry. uh. no. you just. look different than you sounded on the phone. please, come in. well we're glad to have you, marjorie. you can call me chase, by the way. this doesn't look so bad. it's been a few years. what's wrong?! great, now i've opened an orphanage too. tell you what, you do some sweeping up here, and she's yours. let's have him hop up here. there are three more girls where that one came from looking for homes. thee facial lacerations should heal up pretty quickly. i'll give you som antibiotic cream-- his left eye is scratched, corneal abrasion. eyedrops will help, but it's going to take som time. try to keep him away from those rabbits, huh? how'd you know that? what's a lunch cost these days? you want ten? you nervous? new town, new school. i know it must be pretty hard for you. geoff. you have to help me out here a little. are you sure you don't want me to pick you up. it's a long ride. hey! how was your first day at school? sorry. geoff. geoff! you alright? i think so. your mom and i loved each other, geoff. don't ever think that we didn't. remember zowie, drew's dog? he got hurt again. i'm going over to take a look at him. how'd it happen? i'm going to give zowie a local anaesthetic so i can clean up the wound. i'd like to take him home tonight for observation. sure. i don't know. he's had three days. his immune system should've responded by now. i can't seem to find a pulse. it must be so weak, it's not registering. hey! where're you off to? out? what do they do up there? were you drinking? drew's mom called hours ago, the rest of the kids were back by ten. where the hell were you boys? "out." well that's great, geoff. look, i've been letting you get away with a lot these past few weeks, but i'm not going to stand for crap like this. i don't care if it's halloween. it's a school night, and if you do this again. go on. we'll talk about this in the morning. take your pick. they're in the boarding area. you can go on back. elliot, it's chase. i didn't get that. what? wait, there must be some mix-up. he was. the dog is alive. yes. why? look, this is ridiculous. jesus. yeah. that's fine. listen, drew, i got the tests back on zowie. he's not well. don't ask me how, but he got out this afternoon. if he finds his way home, call me, no matter what the hour, okay? and don't try to approach him. whatever he's got might be infectious. understand? can i have the address for quentin yolander? doctor yolander. this is chase matthews. i've moved into your offices in ludlow. i sent a blood sample out for analysis. they tell me i sent them the blood of a dead animal. a dog. i. um. the pathologist. he said that you had reported a similar incident. with a cat. exactly! i thought it might be some sort of blood condition. immune deficiency or. well. uh. thanks. renee. oh god. no. too heavy. can't breathe. i can't. it's okay. i had a little run-in with zowie. he doesn't. i don't know what he has, but i'm hoping to god it's not infectious. marjorie. what do you know about the creed murders? i wish i knew. do you have anything on the creed murders? i can't find the microfilm from that period. but you've got files from the previous years. geoff, dinner's ready! geoff?! geoff. what are you doing? mom is dead, geoff. you know that. what are you talking about? geoff, this is crazy. zowie didn't die. look, geoff. just. just relax, okay. i'm going to take this call and i'll be right back. okay? what?! christ, i'll be right there. marjorie, i need you to stay late. geoff is really upset and i have to take care of this. don't let him leave the house, alright? jesus. gus did this?! doctor yolander, this is chase matthews, we spoke the other day. my god. . how is that possible? you have to help me, doctor yolander. i don't know what i'm dealing with here! they've dug up my wife. wait! don't hang up! shit! jesus. gus, what are you doing?! god damn it gus, you dug up my wife! what the fuck is going on around here?! holy shit! geoff! marjorie? oh my god. no. you're not renee. renee's dead. geoff! get over here now! geoff! all set. so where're we going?