sorry. he gets kinda hyper. zowie. is he gonna be okay? come on, clyde, just tell him where the cat is. clyde. it's not funny anymore. i've never seen anybody punch clyde before. sorry about your mom. i couldn't handle not having my mom around. just having gus. i swear, sometimes i wish gus was dead. stepdad. gus is my stepdad. nothing. it's just an old ghost story. let's get out of here. just until he heals up? hey, i'm so sorry i'm not the stud that you are. don't shoot him! comes upon a break in the trees. the hanging moon outlines the knoll stretching beyond. and then, the strained breathing, the hushed whimper. zowie's dead. i have to bury him. i don't want to go out there alone. i'm not burying him here. there's a better place. it's back here somewhere, through the indian woods. i know we can find it. this is it. i wasn't sure if it even really existed. the old indian burial ground. what if it's not bullshit? if i bury zowie there, and it works. . he'll come back alive. look, if there was even one chance in a million it'd work, wouldn't you want to try? if this doesn't work. don't ever tell anyone i did this, okay? you gotta promise. you have to bury your own. that's the way the indians did it. it's like a rule. what if he really does come back? i've never had anyone die before. . but i guess you get over it. i mean, eventually. yeah. so long, zowie. i'm not trying to prove anything. i was burying my dog. what did i do now? zowie. some psycho hunter probably got trigger happy. can you keep him at your place until he gets better? he was dead. you know he was. you can't tell anyone, geoff. ever. what's the deal? you think he'd believe it if he did? maybe it takes a while. i'll be home, mom. don't worry. i won't let gus blow up again. oh man, he's gonna kick my ass. cowers on the ground, trying to scramble away. zowie. oh, god. oh, god. oh man, geoff. we killed him. we killed him. what're we gonna do? nothing happened, mom. we just ditched gus, that's all. gus? h-how'd you get in? picture this. gus comes down to breakfast and he doesn't say a word. he even kind of smiles, like he forgot he hates me. and then you know what he does? he serves me an extra helping of pancakes. i asked him if i was still grounded. "no." i asked him if you could spend the night, and he nods. it's like we're a family. a real family. it's weird. it's like he's not gus anymore. he's different. you know, like zowie. saved by the bell. i guess we're having rabbit for dinner. i don't know but i'm not taking any chances. i don't know. . maybe it depends on what you were like before you. i gotta go back and do my chores. i can't. gus'd kill me if i showed up late. see you at school monday? you ever think about running away? see ya! oh man. no, zowie! it's me! stay back! gus killed clyde, mom! he's trying to kill me! go mom! go!!! mom!!!