let's keep it back, folks. try to show her a little respect. hey! what did i just say? did she always have reporters following her around like this? i hear you moved into town. i remember when renee left. she couldn't wait to get out of ludlow. she used to say that life moved too slow here. i suppose so. hell, he thought it was lunch. how ya doin', chase? you haven't met my boy. drew, where the hell are your manners. damn dog stuck his nose in on my rabbits and they ganged up on him. i swear that dog's an idiot. when i was young i thought cats were the girls and dogs were the boys. not our home. --drew, he's your dog. are you listening to this? i hear you've got marjorie hargrove working for you now. it's a small town, chase. hey geoff, did you know your mother and i used to be high- school sweethearts? homecoming. prom. whole nine yards. course that was a lifetime ago. way to go, romeo. drew, i don't remember inviting zowie in for dinner. god damn, you're good. you're breaking the law here, drew. your mom's spent the last hour cooking. stop being a little jerk and show her some appreciation. not that much appreciation. i thought we were gonna tone down that flabby ass. you watch that mouth of yours, drew buddy. damn it, drew. that dog is history! what, drew? what did you say?! ah, come on, amanda, stop looking at me like that. he's had ample warning about that dog. get in. your momma's worried sick over you. you take off in the middle of the night, you don't show up for school. what're you trying to prove? life is full of lessons. no one's above it. not you. not me. now get in the car. drew, you unlock this door! right now! where do you come off lying like that? "i'm burying my dog." you think a lie like that's never gonna catch up to you? say your goodbyes. zowie's going outside. you're grounded, buddy. that's the new law. nope. just ran out of smokes. where's the boy? drew! god damn it, amanda! you want me to be a father to the boy, and as soon as i lay down the law, you let him break it! where is he? where is your son!? you boys better not be drinking! drew, you get your ass out here! front and center! get out here, joker. you out here making a fool of me? i'm warning you, buddy! you don't play by the rules, i'm gonna shadow your ass for eternity! you little shit! you get out of here, geoff matthews! this is between me and my boy! call off your dog, drew. drew, call him off! drew! drew! drew, buddy. i lost my keys. found 'em. i'm makin' a mess of your mother's kitchen floor. i need a shower. go home. i said. go home!! i'm just fucking with you. whoops. this is the police, come out of the house with your hands up! forget something, drew buddy? you have the right to remain silent. while i bash your fucking head in! you have the right to a lawyer, but you won't need one. cause you'll be dead! do you understand these rights, drew buddy?! drew, buddy! daddy's not done yet! is standing in the center of the burial ground. he's humming, mimicking renee's feminine tone. now he stops and slowly turns, regarding geoff with dead eyes. he's holding a pickaxe and shovel at his side. you bury your own, geoff. standing in a swath of light. at gus' feet is zowie, tongue lolling out of his mouth. dead for the second time. scattered around the dog are various tools. i was building a doggy door. a little drilling. a little killing. god i hate when that happens. you got a permit for that? didn't think so. no brain, no pain, chase. think about it. just remember, chase. i had renee first. and now i'm gonna have her last.