this is great, i could've spent four months on a romantic comedy with warren beatty, and instead, i've got a horny zombie trying to cop a feel! uhgh, there's water everywhere. can i get a cigarette? geoff? anybody see my boy? how long have you been here? how did it go with your father last night? i miss him too. i just don't want you to get your hopes up, okay? we're trying to work things out, but. you know everything, don't you? yep. that's what you said the first time. it's awful. she shakes, her smoking hands frozen to the iron railing by the electricity running through her. chase. i miss you so much. i can come back, chase. i need you, geoff. did you really think you could be like me? such a young face. but you've got potential. we'll do the eyes first. you always start with the eyes. i came back for you, geoff. we're going to be together again. hello, chase. we can try again, chase. we can make it work this time. don't you love me anymore, chase? geoff, honey, why don't you go downstairs. your father and i need a moment alone. do it for me? geoff. i love you. moves to the vanity. she sweeps a hand across it, sending everything crashing to the ground. crystal perfume bottles shatter, spilling their contents over the floor. don't leave me again, geoff! is standing in the midst of the flames, reaching out. the make-up and mortician's wax she wears fall victim to the heat and her "face" begins to melt away. don't leave me alone! no, geoff! no!!!