it's gorgeous! yes, but the rope might be-- louis, the house is beautiful. the master of disaster awakes. come on--let's parole 'em. decided to wake up and see what home looks like, huh? gage's gone! gage! thank you. thank you so much. i'm rachel. thanks again for saving the wandering minstrel boy, here. excuse me, mr. crandall--i've got to change this kid. it's nice to meet you. yes--i know. this path, louis? where does it go? you're not really going over to have a beer with that old guy, are you? ---and you'll end up doing a free consultation on his arthritis or urinary problems and--- it's beautiful! it says pet cemetery, hon. it's misspelled, but. that's what it says. ellen--! how can you call it a good thing? a graveyard for pets killed in the road! built and maintained by broken- hearted children! extraordinarily morbid, maybe. she's finally asleep. it was that place. that creepy cemetery up in the woods. whatever disease the kids in this town have got, i don't want ellie to catch it. do you think i didn't hear her tonight, crying as if her heart would break? here she is thinking church is going to die. honey, church will be fine. don't be silly. church is not going to die. that's enough of that kind of talk! i know what you just said. ellie, clear your place. you'll be fine, ellie. now you can be excused. go and wash your face. don't shilly-shally, louis. give the little girl her promise. thank you, louis. have a great day! thank god. i was a little worried there. have a great first day at school, doc. no broken bones. i got eggs down here! don't shilly-shally, louis. give the little girl her promise. want to take your son, doc? yes--you have to take them to someone who grooms animals, though. i think it's pretty expensive. i heard you tonight. that's not true. the subject scares me. because of zelda. sometimes you're so good with her, louis--so straight with her--that you make me ashamed of myself. i'm sorry i couldn't go with you to missy's funeral. and that i blew up when we went to that silly animal graveyard. not by me, it isn't. i know how badly i acted, how unfair i was. it's just that i. you know. i'm going to try to do better. louis! daddy! stop it! stop it! in a minute, hon. let gage finish his turn. oh louis, i just don't know about this-- louis, are you sure? ellie. ellie. what. who is this paxcow? is he like the boogeyman? there are no ghosts, ellie. i want you to go to sleep and forget all this nonsense. of course i will. now will you try to go to sleep? pascow? was she saying pascow? he's not home. it's rachel creed, jud. i'm calling from chicago. no. we're going to be here awhile, and he wanted a few days to wind up our affairs there. i just wondered if he was with you. jud, do you remember the name of the student that died on louis's first day at work? the one that was hit by a car? was it pascow? don't bother. i'm coming home. thank you, jud. goodbye. i have to go. the connections are tight, and i have to be at o'hare in forty minutes. will you drive me, daddy? yes. i will. come and kiss me. i have to. make it come back! i'll take it. now what? is anyone there? thank you. can't you go any faster? i understand. it's just that-- thank you. if you only understood how important this is-- thank you so much. who-- church! gage? gage?