"screw you, wilma." why didn't you tell me? you tell me. i taped it. gave her some seconal. € should have a vertical just to be safe. a waitress hovers the best irish stew in town. he is eating a corned beef sandwich. archie is ordering the same. she said you beat her up. kidding, of course. archie bites into his sandwich with small enthusiasm. breasts with their pasties always intrude. you must have been a little rough on her, daddy. archie ? that's how long. and polo and the kids. that's exactly how long. another silence. archie is watching the brass pole. every other girl sliding down looks like petulia. archie accepts his hallucination with mild pleasure. barney will not be stopped. archie, what am i going to do about wilma? 0 did you know there's a policeman outside wanting to talk to you? archie nods dully. what the hell is going on? archie nods dully. can you have dinner with us tonight? archie nods dully. i don't want to know, actually i'm relieved, it rained every day. you kept insisting you were pregnant, wilma-the-magic-talking-machine. put a dime in and she talks all night. € oh, hey, i'm sorry. wilma looks very superior. there's nothing wrong with a little old-fashioned nostalgia. i've got them right her archie frowns at wilma and barney. but they are clumsy and obvious, and he is somewhat touched. i keep everything. they just happen to be here. what do you think this is, a conspiracy?