yes, dad. warren told us that last week. in fact, we don't call him stevie anymore. mom thinks he's getting a little old for being called stevie, in fact. warren says that alcatraz taught the world you can get out of anything if you want to bad enough. yes, dad. clams make steve vomit. you forgot that. no. he's always sneezing. to do what? what? warren said something about the roller derby. the roller derby's pretty darn interesting. we'd have to sleep over. i mean if we were going to spend the whole weekend. this is keen, dad. water canteens and everything. it's really keen, dad. the bell rings and polo is standing there, she looks around, smiling. it's really been keen, mom. nobody ever heard of a. camp-in. the two boys now busy themselves with straightening out the place as polo crosses to-archie, is dad allowed to come to the roller derby? i mean since uncle warren couldn't? he is so bad at matchmaking that polo and archie can hardly keep a straight face. fat butt;