it's been a terrible shock to us. to mother and me,. our sailor boy and his pretty bride. there's still many a county courthouse where the husband could kill both parties and not spend one night in jail, o.s. we hear sounds of a bell ringing incessantly in short bursts. in the hospital of my dreams people won't be chased out like sheep. people are better than most of the medicines they give you. david has finally'got around to repairing that wharf. he hired a couple of boys. the three of them are really working up a sweat. he's thinking of sailing all the way down the coast to lima. that's in peru. all through this there's no response whatever from petulia. her eyes are fixed on the eyes of the giraffe. they say lima is a terrific city. if you watch out for flies and take sensible sanitary precautions. i'll tell you a secret but don't you snitch: i'm using propaganda on david so that the four of 0 us can go. mother's a better sailor than i am. even though i served eighteen months on a mine sweeper. which should have prepared me for anything. i had lunch with your mr. pearl less than two weeks ago; the nun looks blank. mr. pearl happens to be the superintendent of this hospital; two weeks ago at the blue fox restaurants just the six of usl the nun shrugs and leaves. mr. danner is really trembling now from his controlled emotion. petulia will not take her eyes from the giraffe. the patient in the next bed is grumbling something about "what's sauce for the goose should be' sauce for the gander", etc. mr. danner abruptly takes a € small leather bound photograph from his pocket. it's the wedding picture of petulia and david. without a word he puts it on the night stand. petulia will not look at it. does anyone ever report how filthy this room is? he loses all his aplomb, he squats, he points, he finds imaginary objects on the floor. chin up'. dr. bollen, i wouldn't exactly call this good taste. not to mention medical ethics. won't have you cross-examining this girl. i want you to remember what this man just said. though it's none of your business, my boy was in baton rouge, louisiana. looking at boats.