isn't he gorgeous? he's a naval architect. it really zings when you say it. "my husband david is a naval architect." actually, we're starving. you wouldn't want to buy a sixty foot sloop? david's "momma"` and "poppa' keep us. look how disgusted poppa is. he hates this sort of thing. sensitive, my ass. he's bored. highway safety's so blah. also, he hates amateurs. give him something he can sink his teeth into - "rheumatoid arthritis" ® "muscular dystrophy"' -m and he's the best there is. a real pro. a little lame girl with a ribbon in her hair and a crutch under her arm, and poppa can set the world on fire. he's really slumming tonight. archie, how come the burglar alarm didn't go off? hi. archie turns. petulia is in the medical library with books scattered all about her. hi. what's all the noise? going back to the house was the only thing i could do. scenes 87a b d .,and e occur only in petulia's mind. coming for me in that pokey little car. spectacular entrance, lousy exit. sounds familiar, archie. suddenly all the anger goes out of petulia. david was the gentlest man i ever knew. i'd ruin you. in five weeks, i'd be running around with a black eye. by now, archie has reached the top of the cliff and is a complete mess. he turns for one last look at the danner house and the yacht beyond. he shakes his fist maniacally.