it's very nice. archie looks at her questioningly. i've never been here before. it's very nice. it's strange, coming into your husband's bachelor apartment for the first time. feels slightly illegal. is that a tuba? make a marvelous lamp. predictable polo. looking forward to the weekend. lest i forget she opens her large handbag, takes out a cellophane bag of cookies. as usual, i baked enough for an army. this is very strange. i didntt think i'd feel like this. mostly sad. archie's sad, too, therefore he is more brusque than necessary. also he is bugged by the cookies. no. well, yes. well, yes and no. it's such a puzzle. we really got on so marvelously. never fought. never screamed at each other. not once. € something in his silence, plus that damned unmade bed, is beginning to make her angry. everybody we knew envied us. i think i've fallen in love. the man is warren smith. he's an engineer and very good with the children, but he wants to go back to school and get his masters in hydraulics. well, say something. were going to'be married. not right away. he's also divorced. there's alimony . child support it looks absolutely obscene. adore him. don't you have maid service? i came to tell you about warren, well, i'm afraid well still need all the money you pay me. and i'll be seeing him, archie needless to say there are certain problems. by now, archie is on top of polo, and out of habit she is adjusting her body for him. he lives in such a depressing, rented room. it gives me claustrophobia. it's such an icky little room. archie is, perhaps, two seconds away from entering polo, when he suddenly sits up, wondering what the hell he's been doing. he walks to the far side of the room, sticks his shirt in, wipes the sleeve of his shirt across his face. polo feels no particular rancor, the entire thing was totally unplanned, and she has no more desire to "make it" with archie than he has with her. she pulls down her skirt and adjusts her garters. they'll be ready. i thought the decent thing was to come here and talk in a civilized manner. about the change in my situation. good night, archie. i' don't believe it. roller derby starts at eight. poor archie. never. the brightest. i used to have such terrible anxiety that i would die suddenly. before i could say thank you, archie is very touched. will you please tell.your son -- what a shame. no! exact i phy. -o