we thought maybe you had never been, dad. before that. hey, this is great. archie chases them through the floors. archie sees a telephone above which is a sign which says that this phone is for the military and is to be used only in emergency. archie approaches it warily, then loses his nerve and turns back to his kids. archie wants to get back to petulia. i been sneezing. all weekend? friday night till late sunday? me toot boy l he's going to cry i guess -- he does that. i'm out of water. i''m hot. in fact. even canteens, mom. 0 polo really only has eyes for archie. she is troubled by how haggard and worn he looks. we have to police the area. i have to go to. the latrine. stevie goes. i want to go home. i want some popcorn. i said popcorn.