i'm chief litigator, your honor. fact. andrew beckett performed at a consistently mediocre level. fact. he made a grievous error on a multi-million dollar lawsuit. fact. he claims he is the victim of lies and deceit. fact. andrew beckett lied to his employers, going to great efforts to conceal his disease from them. fact. he was successful in his duplicity. the partners at wyant wheeler did not know andrew beckett had aids when they fired him. fact. aids is a tragedy. fact. andrew beckett is dying. fact. andrew beckett is angry. because his "lifestyle," his reckless behavior, has cut short his life. and in his anger, his rage, he's lashing out. and he wants someone to pay. objection. miss burton? do you still work at wyant wheeler? were you recently promoted? thank you. objection! objection! where has this come from?! suddenly counsel is attacking his own witness. mr. collins' sexual orientation has absolutely no relevance to this case. objection! you haven't ruled on my objection, your honor. objection! you said earlier you aspired to be the kind of person who had "an adventurous spirit." is that correct? do you take risks? in general. do you take risks in other areas of your life? have you ever been to the apollo cinema on sansom street? what kind of movies do they show there? gay pornographic movies? do men have sex with each other in that theater? how about you, mr. beckett? have you ever had sex with someone in that theater? when? approximately what year did this event take place? were you aware in 1984 or 1985 that there was a fatal disease out there, called aids, and that you could contract it through sexual activity? but you were having anonymous sex in porno theaters in 1984 and 1985? you'd heard of aids in 1984, 85? do you need a break? while you were employed at wyant wheeler, you did everything you could to make sure no one knew you were an active homosexual, correct? did you keep a picture of your lover on your desk? do other lawyers at the firm keep pictures of their spouses or fiances on their desks? as a homosexual, one is often forced to conceal one's sexuality, is that right? isn't it true you have spent your life pretending to be something you're not, so much so that the art of concealment and dishonesty has become second nature to you?! i'll withdraw it. mr. beckett? were you living with miguel alvarez in 1984 or 1985 when you had your anonymous sexual encounter in the porn theater? you could have infected him, isn't that right? really? you've testified the lesions on your face were visible to the people you worked with, correct? and it's your contention, that when the partners were made aware of the lesions, they jumped to the conclusion you had aids and fired you. do you have any lesions on your face at this time? remembering you are under oath, answering truthfully, can you see the lesion on your face, in this mirror, three feet away? answering truthfully. answer the question, please. thank you. we object, your honor. it would unfairly influence the jury. i don't think i should hear this. why did you recruit andrew beckett to your firm? you kept giving him another chance? thank you. that's all for now, your honor.