charles, walter. thank you. we're very happy. attorney for the plaintiff? i've seen your television commercials. "if you or anyone you know has been injured through the fault of others. it should say, "through the negligence of others." on behalf of the defendants? you're outnumbered four to one. whom do i address? i can't talk to four lawyers at once. fine. i've asked the litigants to be present for this conference, in the hope we can settle this matter today, among ourselves. there is nothing i hate more, than to see lawyers suing each other. if you look at the opinion polls, when mr. john q. citizen is asked to rank professions according to the respect he holds for them. where are the lawyers? somewhere below personal fitness trainers and only slightly above child pornographers. if we keep suing each other, if we fail to settle the smallest difference among ourselves with mutual respect, if we continue to scrap like bucks in heat, we'll fall lower on that list. and when people lose respect for lawyers, they lose respect for the law. and when this society loses all respect for the law, we'll be murdered in our beds, my friends, our cherished institutions will be burned to the ground and our children and our grandchildren will live like savages. by god you will settle it! if you force this case to trial, young man, you'll regret it for the rest of your natural-born days. now, joseph. what would you require to settle this matter today? hold it, joe. he wants to come back to work, chuck. that's impossible, joe. give me a break, joe. let's cut through these false attitudes. give them a figure. how much do you want? you're here at my indulgence, young man. i'm waiting for a figure, joe. very good, joe. now, belinda, i've got a figure over here, of one million, five. i. take it easy. what's the big deal, chuck? the boy wants a letter, to show to his mother, for her to keep after he's gone. why are you being hard- assed about this? just answer the question. hold it, hold it! i said, hold it! mr. miller. could you kindly share with me exactly what's going on in your brain, because i don't have a clue at the moment. in this courtroom, mr. miller, justice is blind. to matters of race, creed, color, religion. and sexual orientation. no. we don't. however, as regards this witness, i'm going to sustain the defense's objection. mr. miller! let's continue. this would be a good time to break for the day. beckett? can you go on for ten minutes? i'll allow it. would you mind removing your shirt, mr. beckett? mr. miller? members of the jury, have you reached a verdict? have you awarded any damages?