look at this fucking guy. he's an animal. it's good to be king, hey charles? why, beckett? what's that on your forehead, pal? andy? some sort of problem? this time. what about next time? helloooo. some people think you have an attitude problem, beckett. oh, you're right, beckett, you don't have an attitude problem. dr. j.! we ought to be suing him. compassion? andy sucks cocks, bob. he takes it up the ass. he's a pervert. holy shit. did you, bob? a trial takes time, beckett. do you know what i'm saying? you'll be sorry, beckett. anywhere from two weeks, to several months. not when i was in the navy. going on. like? we had one guy like that. yeah. but we took care of him. we stuck his head in the latrine, after ten of us had used it. yes, we did. she didn't try to conceal it. i know the difference. that doesn't mean i'm always able to recognize the difference. i felt, and still feel, nothing but the deepest sympathy and compassion for people like maria, who have contracted this terrible disease through no fault of their own. what's the point, bob? you have to make a decision: is this guy partner material?