give me the camera, joe. you have a problem with gays, joe. how many gays do you know? lots. karen berman. aunt teresa. my cousin tommy who lives in rochester. eddie meyers from the office. joe cantwell, he's one of the partners. his lover, greg. stanley, the guy who's putting in our kitchen cabinets. duh. probably since she was born. okay, joe. fine, joe. that's perfectly clear. don't know, joe. have you changed your aftershave? joe? two men making love. ? now tell me again. why is that disgusting? okay, so. help me with this one, joe. is it disgusting for someone to put his dick into someone's mouth? or, is it disgusting for someone to take a dick into their mouth? my lettuce is wilting. i'm lisa miller. corned beef. sure! night, honey. it's miguel.