hello? andy! this is a nice surprise. how are you, hon? what's dr. gillman say? are you on one of those conference calls? i hate when you put me on hold. ancient. how do you think i feel? put that thing down and give me a hug. andrew, stop! . he still doesn't listen. he's out in his shed showing your uncle his new riding mower. all i know is, you got through your diagnosis fine, like a trooper. but when they fired you. you were so devastated, andy. i don't expect any of my kids to sit in the back of the bus. fight for your rights. jim? will you lead us in a prayer? "this is a world full of war, famine, poverty, homelessness. and people make a fuss because two men or two women want to live together, or make love. seems kind of silly, doesn't it?" have a cocktail wienie. goodnight angel, my sweet boy.