are we interrupting, andy? charles is right behind me. andy's expressed a keen interest in the kronos inc. situation, charles. is that correct, andy? andy, do you know who reps kronos inc.? you'll have to get right on it, andy, we're up against the statute of limitations. great. excuse me, fellas. connichiwa. itsumo osewa ni nari mashita. arigato gozaimasu. c'mon, andy, you didn't lose anything. jesus. you'll never find it in the dark. what in god's name. ? what's wrong with your face? allright. calm down. what was the file name? maybe you mistyped the name when you were saving it. we'll try combinations of those letters. at least. different, somehow. do you really think so, andy? andy, you nearly blew the case, for god's sake! that alone is inexcusable. it would have been catastrophic for us. put yourself in our shoes, andy. there's no coming back from an error like that, regardless of who you are! i'm sorry, andy. jesus. charles. let's settle with andy and put this whole tragic mess behind us. for christ's sake, where's your compassion? that's kind of. extreme, walt. andy's private life is none of our business. he was doing a great job. a jury might decide that andy has a case. no. not really. charles, that's revolting! i've discovered something interesting, charles. no matter how hard i try, i can't lose a file in my computer. the system automatically makes a backup. you can erase the backup. but why would you? charles. yes, i did see the lesions. i suspected he was sick. i didn't tell the others, i was afraid to. but we shouldn't have fired him.