could you hurry it along? get done in there, mister. i got me an important call. shit i will! finish up! if you got you a cell phone, how come you taking up the whole fucking booth! this here's an emergency! it's busted. every damn phone on eighth avenue is busted but this one. i'm gonna pull you out of that booth and snatch you ballheaded! you assaulted my person. you're hear alright. i'm coming back. and your ass better not be around. he been in there all day. he's got him a fucking cellular. what's he need to be on our booth for? the man don't sound like he means it. it might fit. kind of pale. even for a white man. so how come his hand is shaking? lookit the sweat pouring off the sonofabitch. that's one sick mother you started up with, leon! whip his arrogant ass. don't cut yourself, honey. i warned you not to cut yourself. look at all that blood. he must've hit an artery. oh, jesus. what is that? talk to me! what happened? somebody call an ambulance. you shut the fuck up! why did you do that to him? you all saw it! he shot my man without no provocation! hang up and dial 911. get a doctor! you're gonna stand there and let him die? that's bullshit. he's the shooter. you're talking to the shooter. go ahead -- make a fucking run for it. i hope they gun you down -- like you did him! that's him -- in the booth. he's got a gun! tell me he's gonna be alright.