drag your baggy butt out of that booth. we got business to conduct out of there. hang up that receiver or i'll make you eat the fucking thing! do you see one around here? what you think i'm gonna be doing while you're waiting for a prowl car to get assigned? i'm about to cut you a second asshole if you don't vacate those premises. i'm not interested in your explanations even if you had any. if i flick this, i use it. make me an offer. you're offering to rent my phone booth? for how long? what's so special in there? is that a genuine rolex you've got on? that's what it's gonna take. and the thirty! now i'm satisfied. but you still got to deal with felicia here. i believe you spoke harshly to her. and did her some injury. i agree. why don't you hang up a minute so we can discuss this matter at length. do i have to rip that fucking phone out of there? that pinky ring looks attractive. felicia might like that. i can get it off you. what's really going on in that booth -- that escapes the naked eye? that your connection on the end of the line? or are you dealing? you gotta be high on something to willingly divest yourself of your valuables -- just to maintain occupancy of a fucking phone booth that the local bums piss in every night. you look like you're ready to piss yourself. maybe if the city provided decent public toilets, folks wouldn't relieve themselves in the subway stations and phone booths! next thing you know you're gonna claim we mugged you -- took your billfold and watch. you sure you're alright? he don't look well. jaundice they calls it. probably advanced liver trouble. if it's cirrhosis, you better find yourself a twelve step program and quick. the man is cracking up. me? you're the one that brought me over and exposed me to all his germs. i'm worried now it might be catching. all that money out of your sweaty pocket is probably crawling with some rare and incurable disease. what good's that? we done touched it. come on now. own up to what you're carrying. is it some of that sexually transmitted shit? cause in that case, we can relax. here we's being solicitous as to your health and you respond by heaping abuse! now the man is turning aggressive. issuing threats upon my person. if you don't hang up and step out, i'm about to topple this booth into the gutter with you inside it.