stu, we got to talk.
how come you cross the street every time you go past the restaurant?
there's no more drinks or free meals until the restaurant starts showing up in the columns like you said.
one lousy mention in the post and you expect to eat for six months!
that's what you tell me last july. and he never shows.
you the one blowing it. how long you think you can fuck everybody?
so how come you take two nice suits of clothes from harry and never get his daughter on david letterman?
mister, you're nothing!
that harry's a damn fool!
what is involved?
what celebrities?
is he still alive?
how come everybody wants to eat but nobody wants to pay?
at least they work for their meals.
how come?
you're full of shit. you know that? all bullshit!
i'm sorry i even talked to you.