throw down your weapon and come out with your hands raised. you know the drill. hands clasped behind the back of your neck -- moving slowly -- step out of the booth. if we see any sign of a weapon, we will respond. i repeat. raise your hands. we're dealing with a mental case. he's looking for us to kill him. same corner as two weeks ago. you've got your vest on? this here's helfand, of new york telephone. but not without a warrant. you could be violating this psycho's civil rights. especially if he's on the line with his fucking psychiatrist. as long as we don't listen in. maybe they already traced it. anyhow, it doesn't matter. looks like he's coming out. what is going on with these fucking phone calls? are you nuts? officer on east side of the street reports subject removed a dark metallic object from his pocket. we better move. there's something else coming in. a 911 operator says your name was mentioned by somebody that's still on the line. somebody talking about a phone booth. and a sniper. there's another swat unit on the way. it's done.