don't even think about leaving that booth. stay exactly where you are and listen carefully. you know better than to disobey me. are you absolutely sure? someone who's watching you. love the gray suit. that red and black tie makes a nice combination. closer than you think. there are any number of windows. check them out. i'm not sufficiently amused. not yet. we have more to talk about. but it's you i'm interested in. you know how many people use that booth every day? better than two-hundred people on average. what else do i have to do? it's interesting watching people. trying to guess who they are. and what they're up to. you might say that. i can't go out. i might be seen. desperately. not yet. what kind of man do you think i am? it's not in your best interests to hang up on me. that would make me angry. for you. i never talk to people i can't see. i need to study their reactions. scratching your forehead with your left hand. now you're brushing your hair back. so let's talk. oh, you will. you'll do a lot of talking before this conversation is over. and it'll only end when i want it to. i don't think you will. i interest you. but you're not a stranger, stu. you were my very own selection. because you're so afraid. why else would a man with a perfectly good cellular bother to make calls from a pay booth? i've made it mine. in explicit detail. this is not showbusiness, my friend. this is reality. stu, you'll be made to suffer for your attitude, so let's dispense with the vulgarities. you're only making it easier for me to do you harm. you will be. i'm not the degenerate. you are, stu. infinitely more than you know about me. like the number you dialed when you first entered the booth. i'm watching through a scope and i could clearly read the buttons you pushed. i have another extension here by the window. shall i dial that same number back for you? would that convince you? let's see who's on the other end of the line. too late. it's already ringing. i'll hold the receiver up so you can listen in. well, hello. someone who's really tight with your boyfriend -- who just called you from his favorite phone booth. stu? oh, i know him better than anyone. what he does -- how he thinks. how he lies. stu is listening in. he knows what we're both saying. he doesn't feel like talking. she can't hear you, stu. only me. mavis, i'm afraid stu hasn't been totally honest with you. but then he can't be honest with anyone, can he? you've never heard of me, mavis. he doesn't want you to know i exist. he wishes i didn't exist. but there isn't anything he can do about that. still there, stu? all you can do is listen. she doesn't want to. she wants to know all about us. don't you, mavis? oh yes, the bitch wife, kelly. my very next call. is that any way to talk to a woman you love? mavis, is he always that abusive to you? i find out things -- from watching people and listening to them. well, what do you think? well alright. stu and i are -- longtime companions. a pair. two of a kind. closer than close. peas in a pod. spoons in a drawer. that, too. too late, stu. she already believes it. he won't care. he'll still have me. why don't you tell me what you think of us? that's what he said about you. well, if stu didn't have the balls to come out and tell you the truth, i felt it was my responsibility to clear the air. goodbye now, mavis. thanks for your time. back to you again, stu. speaking of females, that woman hovering outside the booth -- may as well tell her that you'll be on the line forever. i'm ready for you to take out your cellular and phone home. and this time, i'll listen in. or should i call kelly and make up something totally outrageous? you must realize by now i have a vivid imagination. are you absolutely sure? i may have been watching you on a regular basis. keeping track of all the numbers i see you dial. i've put a great deal of preparation into this -- prior to actually saying hello. now do you want to dial 832-7165 -- or should i? you'll do the talking. try telling her the truth. but you still find it necessary? kelly is home and mavis is a hotel? i'm sure they'll both appreciate that explanation. didn't i warn you about calling me names? it makes me vindictive. we haven't even begun. i'll bet she's back. now hold the cellular up where i can see it -- so i can be certain you don't misdial on me. a little higher and to your left. now i have it in perfect view. dial slowly. good work, stu. now let me see you dial. tuck the receiver under your chin and dial your remote. let it ring. hold it close to the receiver so i can hear. explain that one, stu. tell her you can't. you've got an answer for everything. see, stu? kelly agrees with me. how would you know? everybody does harm to somebody. and then they try their best to forget it. suppose that's the only way i can get to you? you claim you love her. you don't even love yourself. still you have to uphold your status as an honorary asshole. what if she dumps you first? what's the odds she's already taken up with somebody? one day soon you'll come home and find her gone along with the cd player and the not until i say it is. you don't really want to find out. i never indicated i had binoculars. i said i had a highly magnified telescopic image of you that brought you up so close i could see where you nicked yourself under the chin shaving this morning. i may very well do that, stu. in the meantime, think about what kind of device has a telescopic sight mounted on it. a high-powered .30 calibre bolt action remington 700 with a carbon one modification and a state of the art henzholdt tactical sniperscope. and you're in the cross hairs, stu. there's only one way i can prove it to you. hang up the receiver and find out. at this range, the exit wound ought to be about the size of a small tangerine. for plenty of reasons! because you hung up. for years i hated people hanging up on me. ex-girlfriends. women i didn't even know. prospective employers. or else you don't. i worked for months getting people to switch to mci -- being insulted at and being hung up on hundreds of times a day. the ones that cursed me out for invading their privacy never bothered me as much as those that clicked off without even bothering to reply. maybe you are one of them. can you feel it on you now? the heat of it. i'm moving the strike zone down to your stomach area. now i'm raising it up again. directly above the chest cavity -- sliding up to the forehead just above the left ear. tell me where i'm going with it now. i'm amazed how you can do that. you're amazingly accurate. now i know what you're thinking. if i drop down on the floor of the booth and flatten myself out. oh yes you are. can i crawl out using the booth as a shield? can i crawl to that chrysler illegally parked only three or four feet away? the shattering glass may cut me, but it'll only be superficial. otherwise, this lunatic will never let me out alive. where is it now? think and feel for the warm spot. which one? remarkable how we're in tune. you're doing far better than the others. i'm sure you read about the italian tourist shot dead ten days ago at the corner of forty-fifth and eighth? and where are we now? what else do you remember about that killing? try. now you know why. it wasn't a robbery. he hung up -- so i disconnected him permanently. don't give me reason. tell me about your job. what do you do, exactly? what've you kept out? you saved the little deviate's ass, didn't you? you must hang with some major celebrities. journalists, newscasters -- those types. could you get him down here? larry king? because you asked him to. well, who could you get? wolf blitzer? probably not. regis? you'd be offering them an exclusive newsbreak. i'm talking about more than one homicide. i don't answer questions. i ask them. you're not considered a reliable source? how about cindy adams? do you know her number? tell her you're in direct touch with a killer who's willing to speak honestly if she shows up here alone and without notifying the authorities. then lie. pick a celebrity and put them in the booth. i'm anxious to see you in action. don't keep me waiting. liza? that was imaginative. you weren't particularly convincing. because you don't really believe my remington is pointed at you? you're ninety percent sure. let me erase all doubt. control yourself, stu. glance down at your chest. what do you see. like you've seen in the movies? usually a supporting player. that lovely but by now generic special effect of the bullet piercing the forehead. this takes all the guesswork out of it. you know exactly where to expect it before i even tighten my finger on the trigger. how about geraldo? he's run his ass off to get in on this. i'm disappointed. i wanted to go first class. i never expressed interest in giving myself up. there are so many other phone booths in the city. i'm just getting warmed up. now you're being creative. not at all. want me to get rid of him for you? i'll think of something. you asked for my help. you're not doing too well. i can settle it in a fraction of a second. shall i demonstrate? only one way to stop a mad dog. give me permission. if he forces you out of that booth, i've told you what to expect. you or him, stu. you're breaking up. we're about to be cut off. that counts as a hang-up. i can still make him stop. say the word. can you hear me? you said 'yes.' don't try to renege on it. i was following orders. you're attracting a lot of attention. i suppose when the police get there, you'll accuse me. that's up to you. but any mention of me will not be appreciated. you won't even get to finish your sentence. oh look, that little red dot is dancing around all over you again. you saw how quickly it can happen. and how accurate i can be. who's going to believe that? with all those witnesses to the contrary. remember to leave me out of it. you'll put the proper spin on it. isn't that your specialty? feeding the public a story that may not have a shred of truth -- and making it totally believable? if you'd only dealt with the man reasonably, shown him some respect, this might not have been necessary. but not your respect. which is what he required of you. and now he's a fucking dead thief. do you feel better about that? now you're being disrespectful of me. you never learn. your job is to deal with people -- but you're not good at it. you keep insisting i'm a stranger. probably because you don't recognize the voice. but there are cheap electronic devices available that disguise the voice. i might not even be a man. i might be one of those many women you've almost totally forgotten. one who doesn't forgive easily. one who wants to watch you squirm. you sound so sure of that. but you've never provoked any man as much as have the women in your life. and so many of them, stu. do you even remember their names? i can see that. ignore them. they probably won't. look across on the east side of the street. do you see the tourist with the home video camera? he's going to keep the police on their best behavior. so long as you don't take what could be interpreted as hostile action, you'll be safe. you want me to reduce them to three -- or two? you can always change your mind. very good, stu. tell him you've already got a friend. don't worry, stu. i've got him fixed right in my sights. i won't let him hurt you. don't tell him, stu. or it'll be the last thing he ever hears. his blood will be on your hands. i'm losing patience with this cop. excellent, stu. you're getting good at this. damn good reply. now you're having fun. admit it. playing it so close to the edge. i'll bet you've never felt so alive. that's how i feel when i look through the sight and select somebody. tell him not to come any closer. tell him to read you your rights. demand a lawyer. brilliant, stu. keep winging it. careful, stu. don't volunteer too much. he's lucky. i had him centered in my cross hairs. i really had to restrain myself. it's not the police. it's the media. you're news, stuart. you've never gotten this much press for any of your clients. i'm making you a famous person. their presence is putting the police on their continued best behavior. then don't give them one. who could it be? maybe she's seen this on television. it must be on every channel by now. breaking news. one of the neighbors could've alerted her. that's an unwarranted accusation and very unbecoming in light of the good advice i've given in the past. have i ever steered you wrong? it might even be worth it. she's insistent, isn't she? probably glued to the tv by now. i'm watching coverage on two stations now. channel surfing. well, there you are on two and four and five. not any decent angles on you, though, stuck inside there. but if you'd take one or two steps outside and look up, i think they could get a clear picture of you. i might be willing to bend the rules and let you enjoy your moment of fame. set the phone down without hanging up. and take a step or two outside. just for a minute. then come straight back in or i'll be forced to provide 'live' coverage that should rival the historic zapruder footage. nothing like an exploding head to excite viewer interest. it was only a suggestion. since you're convinced i'm going to plug you anyway, it can't matter much. even without a muffler, they'd never hear the report with all this noise. afterwards, it'd take them a good ten minutes to realize you weren't plugged by some overzealous officer. then they'll blame the media for inciting a crackpot vigilante to come down here and do the swat team's job for them. i write the scenario and you all play your parts -- as directed. why don't you tell her how you feel about her? you can't be certain they'd fire. they'd see it was only a phone. is she? can't miss her. very attractive, isn't she? you continue to impress. because that's how i win. either way i can't lose. i pride myself on that. what's so great about being human? it's the lowest form of life on this planet and i've taken it upon myself to thin the herd. stu? stu, don't be that way. you're taking the pleasure out of it. stuart, my friend. do you want to see how close i can come without actually hitting you? may i call attention to the yellow pages? hollow points are designed to break up on impact. it would've behaved differently if it had pierced your soft flesh. the pieces would've bounced around looking for a way out. that's where the real damage occurs -- finding an exit -- deflecting off all that bone. still the silent treatment? my father used to dish that out when he chose to punish me. not a word spoken -- one time for over a month. i'd try and goad him to acknowledge i existed, but he stared right through me. you're bringing back unhappy childhood, stu. that's not wise. since you're ignoring me, i'll focus on someone else. there she is -- nice and sharp. i can see the two little punctures in each earlobe and my god, what kind of a girl would have her nostril pierced? what was that? louder, stu. we must have a bad connection. i didn't expect her to show up here. but since she has -- i'll improvise. it's a bad dye job. the black roots are growing in and it makes her look cheap. i don't necessarily have to kill her. i could be persuaded to settle for a reasonable mutilation. which part of her displeases you most? if she turns a bit more in profile, i'm accurate enough to remove the tip of her unpleasantly protruding nose. it's just cartilage. any decent cosmetic surgeon will have her looking better than ever. you can see her talking to the police now. she's identifying herself as your wife. they're very interested in who you are. they're taking her over to see the officer in charge. what was his name? she won't even feel it when it happens. don't distract me. now's the time to be absolutely still. i have to hold my breath as i squeeze gently -- aw, relax, stu. only yanking your chain. now can we start over? what else can they do? they can't afford to just shoot you like i can. not with so much media coverage. not unless you make some stupid aggressive move. the abc mobile unit just rolled up. and just think -- if you survive this, your trial will be televised. and you can try and make the world believe i ever existed. i'd be your only defense. they'll plant one. the police aren't above that -- when they're desperate to convict. don't you think i took that into account? am i a fool? haven't i considered every eventuality? i knew they'd come and cordon off the block. and that there'd have to be a gun someplace. it's a small booth, stu. have you checked every inch of it? then what's left? could be. why don't you reach up there and lift the plastic sheet -- and feel around. they could. but you have to know if it's there. don't you? in a narrow space, tucked just to the left of the fluorescent bulb. you can almost see it outlined if you look closely. you saw how hollow points splinter on impact. there's nothing much for ballistics to match to. the same make .30 calibre bullets are in that handgun. the prosecution rests. slide your finger up under the plastic and you'll feel the cold metal surface. there are four rounds left in it. should you decide to shoot your way out. you could shoot me, stu. you'd do that in a minute if you could. now you're speaking from the heart. come on, just lift the partition a few inches and feel what's there for you. do you think that'll matter with so many eye witnesses? do it. or should i re-focus my attention on kelly? you carefully distracted me from her before and i let you get away with it. but if you're not going to play fairly -- there she is again. so close i feel like i could touch her. then mind me when i speak. one of the finest handguns remington makes. lightweight, efficient and highly accurate. not right now. but eventually. i never said you would. but you're getting there. it wouldn't take much. you could pull the gun down, shove it in your own mouth and jerk the trigger. that's another option. to please me. and ensure that nothing happens to kelly. i don't necessarily have to deal with her today in the midst of a crowd of cops. i can take her out any time i like. when she goes to pull down her blinds at night or when she walks the dog first thing in the morning. what is it -- a jack russell? i'd rather see you remembered as the gallant gunman who tried to shoot his way past an army of police -- than as a coward who sucked the barrel. i'm doing your pr for you. creating a final image that'll endure. the outraged new yorker who was pushed too far. when some lowlife street person tries to invade his territory, he retaliated. and when the forces of the law closed in, he was defiant. to the end. exactly. nobody minded that he was a sicko. he was living out a new yorker's pet fantasy. can you remember that movie where peter finch started screaming 'i'm not taking it anymore!' and everybody picked up on it. that was it. poor finch got himself an oscar for that. but he was dead by then. i mean he really died. maybe playing that part took too much out of him. that's the way! psyche yourself up. everybody respects a man who fights back, even if he goes a little berserk in the process. exactly! we all understand the poor schmuck that gets laid off and comes back and shoots all his bosses. we all thought of doing that. but only he had the balls. the terminally ill husband who gets his policy canceled and machine guns the insurance company offices. maybe somebody will finally get the message. you can fuck human beings over only for so long before they come back at you. i'm still holding on kelly and she looks very concerned. i could relieve all that anguish in a fraction of a second. shall i? stand up, stu. you're embarrassing yourself. stu -- i want you back on your feet facing me. so you can see what i'm going to do to her. be a man, stuart. don't let them see you like this. you're an embarrassment to me. it took you a while to believe it yourself. why don't you do it for me? wave the old captain back over and get him nice and close and then use the handgun on him. and you will! to save kelly. that's better, stu. now turn around so i can see you. they can put handles on the booth and bury you in it. you're wasting my time. reach up and take the gun. no need for that. what is it then? why does it matter so much? and then you'd take the gun down. and use it. we have a deal on that? i don't have to make deals. and you're irritating me by trying to negotiate. god doesn't have to prove anything. he just strikes you down when he gets in the mood. i'm glad that's settled. but look who else has showed up? i guess she saw the coverage on tv and just couldn't keep away. the 'hotel' just arrived. and a very beautiful little hotel she is. actually, i'd classify her as more of a motel. she's too far back behind the police line. but i've got a fine shot at her from up here. you're in an enviable position now, stu. you get to choose between them. tell me which one. which will it be? kelly or mavis? or should i simply select one? you've got to be more in touch with your feelings. you said you love kelly. then i'm doing you a favor putting you out of the way of temptation. then take the third option. reach above you and pick up the gun. there won't be much point in harming them without you around to impress. let me see you do it. don't tell me you're going to say your prayers? the police seem all excited about something, stu. i can't wait any longer. say amen, then reach up for the gun. when your hand comes down, i want to see it. for once, be brave. surprise yourself. guys in combat situations even shit their pants. but they follow orders. then i'd advise you to fire first. hard part's over. drop your arm and point it like you'd point your finger and squeeze. why must i keep invoking some poor girl's name every time we come to an impasse? i'm focused back on kelly again. you're obviously not willing to trade your life for hers. thanks for such an interesting afternoon. had to have the last word, stu. but you'll never forget me. i gave you the most thrilling day of your life. say thanks. i lost a lot of blood. don't you want to donate some for me? then we'd really be part of each other. wish i could give you that pleasure. you deserve it. . only i'm out of time.