mr. cohen! how are you? it's been a long time. sorry i haven't been in touch. but i was hoping you would allow me to take you to lunch tomorrow, say one o'clock? we're very anxious to talk with you, sir i'm prepared to make you a generous. mr. cohen, give me a moment. mr. cohen. marcy dawson here again i was just looking over my schedule and i realized i'll be in your neighborhood tomorrow around three. marcy dawson from lancet-percy i'm so anxious to meet you. it will be worth itfor both of us i promise. see you at your house at three, okay? oh, don't worry, i got your address from columbia. so three it is. looking forward to it. mr. cohen! perfect timing. i was just waiting for you. i thought you stood me up, so i was going to head home. oh. marcy dawson. from lancet percy. we were supposed to meet at three. i can't tell you what a pleasure it is to finally meet you. i've studied your papers for years. i have something you won't be able to say no to. why don't we take a spin in the limo? we're excited by your work. we can't wait to discuss. mr. cohen? mr. cohen? please stop for a second mr. cohen? i'm sorry. i'm very sorry. i admit i've been a bit too aggressive. but all i ask is for five minutes of your time. here. a stopwatch. already ticking. allow me the four and a half minutes left let me tell you what i want. let me tell you what i can offer you. afterwards, if you don't want to talk to me, then fine, we part as friends and i promise that you will never see me again. that's fair, isn't it? good. it's funny, even though we have different aims and different goals we're actually incredibly alike. we both seek the same thingperfection. i know. clearly we're seeking different types of perfection, but that is what makes us perfect candidates for a fruitful partnership. if you let me, i can be your greatest ally. take the acacia tree. in east africa. it is the most prevalent plant in all of kenya because it has managed to secure its niche by defeating its major predator, the giraffe. to accomplish this, the tree has made a contract with a highly specialized red ant. the tree has evolved giant spores which act as housing for the ants in return for shelter, the ants supply defense. when a giraffe starts to eat the tree's leaves, the shaking branch acts like an alarm. the ants charge out and secrete an acid onto the giraffe's tongue. the giraffe learns its lesson and never returns. without each other, the tree would be picked dry and the ants would have no shade from the brutal african sun both would die. but with each other, they succeed, they survive, they surpass. they have different aims, different goals but they work together. max, we would like to establish a mutually benefiting alliance with you. allow me to dose. as a sign of good faith we wish to offer you this. the suitcase isn't filled with fifties or gold or diamonds. just silicon. a ming mecca chip. you're right. they're not. but lancet-percy has many friends. come here, take a look. beautiful, isn't it? you know how rare. are you okay? but what about. what? mr. cohen!? mr. cohen? i'm so happy. you tech guys. i think you know what we want. c'mon, mr. cohen. we can work together we can both profit from this information. we both need each other to get it, so why not work with us? we're willing to take the risk. done. anything else? how do i know you're home? fair enough. max, is that you? max? max, just talk to me. things are a bit out of hand down here. people are getting desperate. we had a deal, max. a deal. talk to us, max. let's take a ride, max. we had a deal! now get in the limo! enough, max, c'mon out. you're responsible for this. but we did. you have to be careful where you throw out your trash. you gave us faulty information. you gave us the carrot, the right picks, but then you only gave us part of the code. c'mon, max. this isn't a game anymore. we're playing on a global scale. we used your code. foolish. i admit. but we can fix things if we make some careful picks. give us the rest of the code so we can set things right. look, max. information is the private language of capital. we tried to establish a symbiotic relationship but if you choose to compete and enter our niche we are forced to comply with the laws of nature. c'mon, max. you don't get it. i don't give a shit about you. i only care about what's in your fucking head. if you won't help us help yourself, then i'll have only one choice. destroy the competition. i'll take you out of the game. survival of the fittest, max. and we've got the gun.