max, max. you're okay i'm rabbi cohen. cohen like you. i'm sorry for what lenny did, he's been reprimanded. it is not our way are you okay? everything will be fine, max. you need to give us the number. do you have it? okay, okay! lenny, easy! max, i'll tell you what's going on. just calm down. the talmud tells us it began two thousand years ago, when the romans destroyed the second temple. just give me a chance. you'll understand everything if you listen. the romans also murdered all of our priest- hoodthe cohanimthe cohens, and with their deaths they destroyed our greatest secret. in the center of the great temple was the holy of holies which was the heart of jewish life. this was the earthly residence for our god. the one god. it contained the ark of the tabernacle which stored the original ten commandments that god gave to moses. only one man could enter this space once a year on the holiest day of the year, yom kippur on the day of atonement, all of israel would descend upon jerusalem to witness the high cohen's trip into the holy of holies. if the holy man was pure he would reemerge a few moments later and israel was secured a prosperous year. it meant that we were one yea r closer to the messianic age. closer to the return of the garden of eden. but if he was impure, he would die instantly and it meant that we were doomed. the high cohen had a single ritual to perform in the holy of holies. he had to intone a single word. that word was the true name of god. the true name, which only the cohanim knew, was two hundred and sixteen letters long. yes. it's the key into the messianic age. as the romans burned the temple, the talmud says, the high cohen walked into the flames. he took his secret to the top of the burning building. the heavens opened up and took the key from the priest's outstretched hand. we've been searching for the key ever since. and you may have found it. now let us find out. no, no, max. you're not pure. you can't see god unless you're pure. you saw nothing. there's much more. we can unlock the door with the key. it will show god that we are pure again. he will return us to the garden. who do you think you are? you are a vessel from our god. you are carrying a delivery that needs to be made to us. it's killing you. because you are impure. we can use it. we can wield it.