what you think, should i take uncle szymon's photograph?
he'll come home, he'll be all right.
what did i tell you?
the government's moved to lublin.
there's hardly anybody left in this building, only women, the men have gone.
here's to great britain and france.
i told you. didn't i tell you? all will be well.
five thousand and three.
yes, five thousand and three zlotys, that's all we've got left.
no, no, no. i'll tell you what we'll do. we'll use tried and tested methods. you know what we did in the last war? we made a hole in the table leg and we hid the money in there.
idiot! what would they want with a table?
my violin?
will i still be able to play?
're: emblems for jews in the warsaw district. i hereby order that all jews in the warsaw district will wear visible emblems when out of doors. this decree will come into force on the 1st december 1939 and applies to all jews over twelve years of age. the emblem will be worn on the right sleeve and will represent a blue star of david on a white background. the background must be sufficiently large for the star to measure eight centimetres from point to point. the width of the arms of the star must be one centimetre. jews who do not respect this decree will be severely punished. governor of warsaw district, dr. fischer.'
doesn't it say we have to provide these armbands ourselves? where will we get them?
i'm sorry i.
to tell you the truth, i thought it would be worse.
he brought cakes.
his father's back in the jewellery business and doing well, isn't that so, yitzchak? amazing. jewellery.
i blame the americans.
american jews, and there's lots of them, what have they done for us? what do they think they're doing? people here are dying, haven't got a bite to eat. the jewish bankers over there should be persuading america to declare war on germany!
thank you.
at least we've got work in the ghetto. at least we're still together.
i can hear you.
dr. ehrlich, not so loud!
dr. ehrlich, what do you want me to do? you want me to fight?
he's right. what d'you think i can do? fight them with my violin bow?
how much for a caramel?
what? for one caramel? what d'you think you're going to do with the money?
have we got twenty between us?