i'll show you where you're going to sleep. it's not going to be very comfortable. you'll have to stay here until tomorrow afternoon. we've got a flat for you. near the ghetto wall. but it's safe. go as near to the front as possible, to the german section. must feel better this side of the wall. here. i'll come again. and janina bogucki will visit twice a week. bring more food. see how you are. yes, now, this is very important. in case of emergency, i mean emergency, go to this address. get your things together, you have to leave! i'm on the run! the gestapo found our weapons. they've arrested janina and andrzej. they're bound to find out about this place, too - you must get away at once. that's your decision. but when they storm the flat, throw yourself out of die window - don't let them get you alive. i have poison on me, they won't get me alive either!