papa, wladek's home. i used it for packing. all able-bodied men must leave the city, go across the river and set up a new line of defence, that's what it said. good! i'm not going anywhere either! deposit it in a bank. blocked account. there's a good place under the cupboard. she's a lawyer, she likes order. have you seen this? 'by order of the governor of the warsaw district, dr. fischer, concerning the establishment of the jewish district in warsaw. there will be created a jewish district in which all jews living in warsaw or moving to warsaw will have to reside." and look here: 'jews living outside of the prescribed area will have to move to the jewish district by 31st of october 1940.' mama, what is it? look! come and look! on a jew? they allowed a pole to come in to operate on a jew? oh my god, it's terrible, you've got to do something, oh my god! they're hunting people on the streets. they've picked up henryk. we heard you were here. we. didn't want. we. we wanted to be with you. she's getting on my nerves. what did she do, for god's sake? what? what? thanks.