i told her not to worry. you had your papers on you. if you'd been hit by a bomb, they'd have known where to take you. warsaw's not the only radio station. sssh! ssh! i've got something, listen. mama, that was a great dinner. banks? who'd be stupid enough to deposit money in a german bank? and suppose they take the table away? the germans go into jewish homes and they just take what they want, furniture, valuables, anything. no, no. listen, i've been thinking -- you know what we do? we use psychology. we leave the money and the watch on the table. and we cover it like this. in full view. the germans will search high and low, i promise you, they'll never notice it. a good place for what? he's insane! i won't wear it. we're not going to get them. we're not going to wear them! no. three hundred and sixty thousand, so it'll be easy. get out! you're a thieving bastard, we don't want your money, get out! we'd rather give it away! get out! just one. dostoevsky. the idiot. three zlotys. three lousy zlotys. and there are people here making millions. you don't know, believe me. they bribe the guards. the guards turn a blind eye. they're bringing in cartloads, food, tobacco, liquor, french cosmetics, and the poor are dying all around them and they don't give a damn. sometimes i wish i could go mad. don't worry about it, they're about to build a bridge, haven't you heard? what's this about? so, what are you doing here? who's recruiting? oh? more jewish police? you mean you want me to wear a cap like yours, beat up jews with my truncheon and catch the gestapo spirit. i see! but why me? i thought you only recruited boys with rich fathers. look at my father, look at us, i mean. yes, please. okay, then i'll tell you something funny. you know who i mean by dr. raszeja. the surgeon. well, for some reason, don't ask me why, the germans allowed him into the ghetto to perform an operation. he got a pass, that's all i know. anyway, he puts the patient to sleep and starts the operation. he'd just made the first incision when the ss burst in, shoot the patient lying on the table, and then shoot dr. raszeja and everybody else who was there. isn't that a laugh? the patient didn't feel a thing, he was anaesthetised - what's the matter with you all? have you lost your sense of humour? well, you know what's funny? you're funny with that ridiculous tie. your work, yes, playing the piano for all the parasites in the ghetto, they don't give a damn about people's sufferings, they don't even notice what's going on around them! you go to heller, did i ask you to talk to him? did you beg, did you grovel to that piece of shit, that cockroach? what did you pay him? i can look after myself! it's nothing to do with you. it's me they wanted, not you. why do you interfere in other people's business? that's also my business. hungry. you have to have an employment certificate to work for one of the german firms in the ghetto, otherwise. you'll be deported. they're going to resettle us. send us to labour camps. in the east. and they're closing the small ghetto. 'if you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?' yes, that's why i brought it. idiot. what's he think he's going to do with the money?