hello, symche, dolek, mrs zyskind, jehuda. working hard? i know your name. i've never heard you play. as many toilets as i can find. germans never go into jewish toilets. they're too clean for them. be at the schultz workshop, tomorrow, four o'clock. since last night. i was pleased to see you. they're going to start the final resettlement now. we know what it means. we sent someone out. zygmunt. a good man. his orders were to follow the trains out of warsaw. he got to sokolow. a local railwayman told him the tracks are divided, one branch leading to treblinka. he said every day freight trains carrying people from warsaw forked to treblinka and returned empty. no transports of food are ever seen on that line. and civilians are forbidden to approach the treblinka station. they're exterminating us. won't take them long. we're sixty thousand left. out of half a million. mostly young people. and this time we're going to fight. we're in good shape. we're organised. we're prepared. the smaller one. at the bottom. it's easy to get out, it's how you survive on the other side that's hard. i tried your friends. they're not at that address any more. but. be ready to leave in two days' time. same place as last night.