oh, yes. i remember. don't worry now. we can't move you tonight. you'll sleep on the sofa. yes, of course, we'll eat. you're in a very german area. the building opposite is a hospital, taking in wounded from the russian front. next door is the schutzpolizei. it's the safest place to be. right in the centre of the lion's den. i'll be locking you in. no one knows you're here. so keep as quiet as possible. all well? this is antek szalas. he's going to look after you. i've given him a second key. he'll bring you food. see that you're all right. he's with the underground, a good man. and you'll be pleased to hear the allies are bombing germany night after night - cologne, hamburg, berlin. let's hope so. i don't know when i'll see you again? you can't, it's too dangerous. dorota, don't be ridiculous, he's a pediatrician. no, you stay, i'll go.