take it, don't take it, take what you like. can't you see i'm worried sick? thank god - wladek! you're wounded. i've been worried sick. henryk, don't say things like that, god forbid, god forbid. pack, darling, get your things, pack. out of warsaw. pack, wladek, there's no time. don't be ridiculous, we've got to keep together. god forbid! when there's something to celebrate, you've got to make an effort. is that all? what are we supposed to do with the rest? what d'you mean, take the table away? do they? what on earth are you doing? twenty zlotys. that's all we've got left. what can i buy with twenty zlotys? i'm sick of cooking potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. i'll sleep with the girls in the kitchen. you, henrykc and papa in here. good, they're here. yitzchak heller's been waiting for you, henryk. sit down, have tea, i'll start lunch when the girls get back. and, please, tonight, for once, i don't want anything bad talked about. let's enjoy our meal. henryk, i said nothing bad. boys, boys. stop it, wladek. henryk! halina! henryk!