mama, wladek's home. what's it look like we're doing? you haven't heard? haven't you seen the paper? where's the paper? she used it for packing. it's three thousand and three zlotys too much, 're: further restrictions regarding liquid assets: jews will be allowed to keep a maximum of two thousand zlotys in their homes.' we could hide the money here in the window frame. quiet! quiet! order, please, order! listen, just listen. let's come to an agreement. we jam the money in the window frame. the watch we hide under the cupboard. and the chain we put in the violin. won't wear it. i'm not going to be branded. but. but it's a steinway, mr lipa. henryk, stop it, leave him alone. the surgeon? be quiet, mama, for god's sake, be quiet! let's just hope that henryk and halina will be better off - where will we be going? oh my god!