hello. who are you? it's nothing. jurek, why have you been hiding her? it's a little cut, nothing. what are you doing? they bombed us, we're off the air. where are we going? out of warsaw. where? heard what? and what do you think you'll do while you're setting up a new line of defence? wander round lugging your suitcases? i'm not going anywhere. no, no, no, i'm staying put. if i'm going to die, i prefer to die at home. it certainly was. that makes a change. we use what? of course they'll notice it. but look-- this is a good place for something. just shut up. let's find out. jurek? wladek szpilman. fine, we're fine, thank you, and you? yes, i know, but jurek, jurek. maybe, maybe not, but, jurek, don't be offended, i didn't call to discuss my future career. you know something? meeting you like that was absolutely wonderful. yes! it was. it was unforgettable. wladek, please. i could accompany you, me on the piano, you on the cello. wladek, please. let me see this. what, i'm working, what? but. they won't get all of us. we'll. it's too small. there's four hundred thousand of us in warsaw! take it. dorota! how are you doing? don't worry, it won't last long. i'll see you. soon. how will we sleep? you sell anything? that's better than yesterday. i know. i'm afraid not. thank you. but i've got work. who wants me to stop? you're amazing, jehuda. so, what's the news? i don't know why i come here every evening, it's always such bad news. jehuda, give me something to do. but i want to help, i want to. there are notices going up. the city's to be cleansed of undesirables. toilets? it's not funny. what are you talking about, my tie? what's my tie got to do with anything? i need the tie for my work. for what? for my tie? what's happened? calm down, what, what is it? i'm afraid not. what's happening? yitzchak! yitzchak! here, please! wladek szpilman! henryk's in there. believe me, they've picked him up. can you help? can you help us? i've no money. yitzchak, they told me you had influence. people i know. they said you're an important man. you're out, aren't you? i didn't grovel, i asked him to help. pay him? with what? with what could i pay him? every zloty i earn we spend on food! they were taking you away. you're mad, that's your trouble, you're mad. what's the matter? are you sick? what's that mean, no employment certificate? otherwise what? not this week. you've heard the rumours they're going to resettle us in the east? i've been trying to get a certificate of employment for my father. i've managed to get certificates for me and the rest of the family but i need one more for my father. i've been trying all the firms, the shops. i didn't know you were in the certificate business. can you help? i've no money. the bright side, yes, i know. we're employed here, we've got certificates - i'm sorry, i did my best, i thought the certificates would save us all. let's sit over there. stupid, stupid! what are you reading? very appropriate. halina? funny time to say this. wish i knew you better. papa! papa! mama! halina! it's like this. i. we. all of them. my god. i haven't been outside for - it must be two years. yes. a singer. her husband's an actor. i knew them well. good people. i'd like to talk to her. how long have you been here? if you need help. majorek! have a favour to ask. i want to get out of here. i know. but last summer, i worked for a day in zelazna brama square. i saw someone i knew. a singer. her husband's an actor. they're old friends. i've written their names down. and their address. if they're still there. janina godlewska and andrzej bogucki. good people. majorek, you go into the town every day. would you try and make contact? ask them if they'd help me get out of here? we're allowed to take food into the ghetto. five kilos of potatoes and a. it's only potatoes and bread. you made contact? oh, shit! no. why? thank you, i don't. i'll be fine. yes, but sometimes i'm still not sure which side of the wall i'm on. thank you. should never have come out. i should've stayed there, fought with them. yes, so did the germans. yes, but what good did it do? what's happened? what's happened? where do you want me to go? look at me. no, no, i'm not leaving. can't i take my chances here? it belongs to a friend of mine. i came to visit but i must have just missed him. mr gebczynski sent me. dorota. i'm sorry - i was given this address. i'm looking for a mr-- -- a mr dzikiewicz. i need help. i've been in hiding. i need somewhere to stay. how long have you been married? and how's yurek? when's your baby due? mr gebczynski said to contact you only in an emergency, but. excuse me, could i have a piece of bread? thank you. no, i don't think so? sorry, i don't remember. how long is this meant to last? think i've got jaundice. why didn't you come sooner? it's been over two weeks. sell this. food's more important than time. doctor, thank you. i was. i was trying to open this tin. i am. i was a pianist. in the attic. please. what's all that gunfire? what's happening? are the russians here? i don't know how to thank you. what about you? i'll play the piano again. on polish radio. szpilman. stop, for god's sake, i beg you, i'm polish! don't shoot! i'm polish! don't shoot! i'm polish! please, please! i'm polish! i'm cold. it's not here now. you didn't catch his name.