she says, "thank you". she says, no. she says she'd rather be boiled alive by natives than get back in your tub. mother. i'm thinking it's my mother's piano. it must come. she wants it to come. we can't leave the piano mother wants to know if they could come back directly for it? after they have taken the other things? my real father was a famous german composer they met when my mother was an opera singer. in luxemburg. why? i want to be in the photograph. well, yes, in austria where be conducted the royal orchestra. in an enormous forest, with real fairies as bridesmaids each holding a little elf's hand. no, i tell a lie, it was in a small country church, near the mountains the alps. mother used to sing the songs in german and her voice would echo across the valleys one day when my mother and father were singing together in the forest, a great storm blew up out of nowhere. but so passionate was their singing that they did not notice, nor did they stop as the rain began to fall and when their voices rose for the final bars of the duet a great bolt of lightening came out of the sky and struck my father so that he lit up like a torch. and at the same moment my father was struck dead my mother was struck dumb! she- never-spoke-another-word. please take us to the beach where we landed. hello. what on? she says it's her piano, and she won't have him touch it. he's an oaf, he can't read, he's ignorant. my mother wants to see your hands. hold them out. you have to wash them. wash them again. there's no tune left in the piano so she can't teach you. mother says she can't stand to teach piano with it all out or tune. so i'm to do scales. i hope you've scrubbed your hands. what's out there? you have to watch me where i put my fingers. it's in tune. i was teaching. she wants to see what you can do. everyone has to practice. what do you want to hear? tell me about my real father. what happened? why didn't you get married? i want to speak to my mother actually, to tell you the whole truth, mama says most people speak rubbish and it's not worth the listen. yes, it's unholy. the holly and the ivy. i know why mr. baines can't play the piano. she never gives him a turn. tomorrow. he's given it to us. what will i play? do i know any gigs? why? why can't i? i shan't practise and i don't care! to hell! stay still! it's the very worst knots. mama stop it! stop it i feel sick! mumma! mumma! they are playing your piano! here papa! you shouldn't have gone up there, should you? i don't like it and nor does papa. mama, we can play cards together. she is asleep, look. mama! look out! one, two, three one, two, three this is going to be adam's tree and then i'm going to make a serpent to live here, with a very long tongue. . we're not supposed to visit him'. the grand old duke of york. he had ten thousand men etc. mumma wanted me to give this to mr. baines. no, she says noooooo!!! mother!! mama! mama. he says you're not to see her or he'll chop her up! he chopped it off i can't she says, throw the piano overboard. she says, throw it overboard. she doesn't want it. she says it's spoiled she doesn't want it!