we must get on. miss mcgrath, alisdair stewart. you'll have to wake yourself. i've got men here to carry your things. i see you have a good many boxes, i'd like to know what is in each. can - you - hear - me? well that is good, yes that is good, good. what's in here? ohh, yes so it is, written there, crockery. and this one? you're small. i never thought you'd be small. what's here? what's in here then, lead? a piano? tell them to carry in pairs. what do you think? she's stunted, that's one thing. oh no, it can't come now. yes and so do i, but there are too few of us here to carry it. do you mean you don't want your kitchenware or your clothes? is that what you mean? let us not discuss this further. i am very pleased. i suggest you prepare for a difficult journey. the bush will tear clothes and the mud is deep in places. what are they doing? we don't have time for that. what's he say? but we came down this way didn't we? i'm sure we did. they want more money. they are trying to make two days out of it? beautiful. i shall be gone for some days. there is some maori land i want and may buy very reasonably. i am hoping you will use the time to settle in, and, in some ways we may start again all right? hello, then. what would you think if someone played a kitchen table like it were a piano? it's strange isn't it? i mean it's not a piano, it doesn't make any sound. i knew she was mute, but now i'm thinking it's more than that. i'm wondering if she's not brain affected. no, it was a table. well it has not yet come to anything. just a concern. there is something to be said for silence and with time she will, i'm sure, become affectionate. on your property? good, flatish land with reliable water, why? i don't have money. what are you about? what for? the piano on the beach? ada's piano? it's not marshy is it? you'd have to organise it up here. well baines the music lover, i never would have known. hidden talents george. yes, i suppose you would. well ada can play. i have it in a letter she plays well. she's been playing since she was 5 or6. i have got us some excellent land. baines has taken some queer idea to have a piano, and you are to give him lessons. have you taught before? on your piano, that is the swap. what does she say? he wants to improve himself. and you will be able to play on it . teach him to look after it. you can't go on like this, we are a family now, all of us make sacrifices and so will you. you will teach him. i shall see to that! i'd try children's tunes, nothing more complicated just be encouraging no one expects him to be good. it looks good, very nice looking thing. well . i wish you luck. the girls are very excited about the lessons. flora will explain anything ada says. they talk through their fingers, you can't believe what they say with just their hands. shall i kiss you goodnight? wait. how are the lessons going? ada nods enthusiastically. he's getting on all right? ada nods again good. lot of fools. come on, move up. what do they say? are they selling? offer the blankets for half the land. t-w~e-l-v~e. offer the guns. what do they want it for? they don't cultivate it, burn it back, anything. how do they even know it's theirs? ada says you're doing well with the piano? i'll have to come and hear you play. what do you play. no. well i suppose it takes time. baines can't play a damn thing. is that right he can't play a thing? what's that? never behave like that, never any where. you are greatly shamed and you have shamed those trunks. you've missed this bit. and when is the next lesson? stop right there'. this isn't yours what are you doing with the piano? hah, you're very cunning ada, but i've seen through you, i'm not going to lose the land this way. wait here! i don't think you should have given up the piano. i will make sure you are properly taught, with music written on to sheets and. you don't want to learn. and what does this do to our bargain? i cannot afford the piano if you mean me to pay. well, i doubt i want it very much myself. well, thank you, i expect she will appreciate it. is it all right? aren't you going to play something? ada pulls up a chair and seats herself at the piano. she rubs her hands and places them lightly on the keys, she turns from habit over her left shoulder where stewart waits crossed armed. quickly she removes her hands, stands and gestures flora to play. flora proudly takes ~p the seat, she pulls her lips in trying to control her happiness to say in front of both her mother and stewart. play a gig. play a song then why won't she play it? we have it back, and she just wanders off! keep playing! where's your mother? where has she gone? you are letting the clothes float off. they are floating off. ada! baines is packing up? if you leave soon, yes, i am sure of it. i've been hoping you would come. i want to touch you why can't i touch you? do you like me? we must both get on. i have decided to trust you to stay here. you will not see baines? no!! why? why? i trusted you! do you love him? do you?! is it him you love? take this to baines. tell him if he ever tries to see her again i'll take off another and another and another! i lost my temper. i'm sorry. you broke my trust, you pushed me hard, to hard. you cannot send love to him you cannot do it. even to think on it makes me angry, very angry i meant to love you. i clipped your wing, that is all. we shall be together, you will see it will be better. my love bird. ohhhhh my love you are feeling better? what? put that away, on the floor. i look at you, at your face. i have had that face in my head hating it. but now i am here seeing it . it's nothing, you blink, you have your mark, you look at me through your eyes, yes. you are even scared of me look at you! has ada ever spoken to you? no, words. you have never heard words? never thought you heard words? she has spoken to me. i heard her voice. there was no sound, but i beard it here . her voice was there in my head. i watched her lips, they did not make the words, yet the harder i listened the clearer i heard her, as clear as i hear you, as dear as i hear my own voice. no, but her words are in my head. i know what you think, that it's a trick, that i'm making it up. no, the words i heard, were her words. she said, "i have to go, let me go, let baines take me away, let him try and save me. i am frightened of my will, of what it might do it is so strange and strong". understand me. i am here for her, for her i wonder that i don't wake, that i am not asleep to be here talking with you. i love her. but what is the use? she doesn't care for me. i wish her gone. i wish you gone. i want to wake and find it was a dream, that is what i want. i want to believe i am not this man. i want my self back; the one i know.