budlofsky is about to light a cigarette, when suddenly dale does a jumping role into the burn and then quickly scampers to his feet and puts a gun to thug 1's head. the barn door slides open. ted and carol walk in. ted and carol talk as budlofsky and the thugs silently stands by. ted is holding a large hunting knife. the asians riddle the barn with bullets as they scream at ted and his men in korean. the remaining thugs scamper about, returning fire to the asians. ted and carol hide behind a vehicle. carol writhes on the ground as saul runs towards her with a plank of wood. smash! he shatters it over her head. carol drops, unconscious. saul tries to be brave as carol takes final aim. the barn starts to buckle, when dale suddenly leaps out of the trap door, flames licking his heels. coughing profusely, dale stands in the barn, then realizes his pants are on fire.