ow! hello? saul! oh. i, uh. stubbed my toe. sure man, anything. i'm red. sure man, no problem. red swears it, hombre. -i can hear him talking to someone, so- yo! saul? so, you're gonna come by in the morning? sure, your grandma's retirement home- ow! fuckin' stupid god-damn toe. i, uh, is that the one on granville and 41st. well, cool brother. noon it is. for sure. we should definitely hit up the casino. i didn't say shit, man! there was another guy there and he said tomorrow! no, man! who is it? who's this guy? dale who? what happened to your clothes? where'd you call me from, man? what? oh, i uh. . i got a cold sore, i've never got one before. i started crying. uh, yeah, man. okay, first of all, stop. what's this all about? that's what i want to know. fuck that, dale. this is my house, i deserve to know. whoa! whoa! i don't want trouble. no one. nada. alright, well, wicked. make yourselves at home. i'm just going to use the ol' telephone-o. what the fuck! fuck you man - this is my house! i have to! they'll kill me!!! please don't fight! i'm sorry!!! i don't know!!! they're going to kill me!!! they're gonna come back and kill me!!! i don't know anything. you broke my bong. i can't. i don't know anything. don't beat me up! saul, dude, i'm red! please don't. that didn't hurt. wait! i. i. no! ow! fuck, man! stop it. listen. two. two guys came here, they. they were here when you called- they work for ted. budlofsky and matheson. fuckin' crazy weird guys. they were here all day, but you guys didn't show. they said they'd kill me if i didn't bring you to them, they said i'd- i know there's this lady cop. he could have more, i don't know. he's got pretty crazy connections. he's also got a cool- ass hideout. it's crazy man. listen, i- the asians! the. the koreans, i think. everyone just calls them the asians. i swear to god that's all i know. i swear. guys, guys. listen to me- i'm fuckin' sorry. okay? i fucked up. i'm a son-of-a-bitch. i forgot bros before hoes, even though these guys aren't hoes. you know what i mean. but i can fix this. i know these guys, it's cool. just head out the back, i'll stall `em. won't tell `em nothing. you can count on me! dale denton! it was saul and some dude named dale denton! they just ran out the back! i just did, matheson. fuckin' dale denton's the other guys name. he was with saul, they kicked my ass. what more do you want? what? um. white, they're both white. i think denton might be a jew, but i couldn't really tell. oh fuck. you shot me, you motherfucker! fuckin' matheson. fuck you! you've eaten dinner here, man! tacos! and now i'm gonna fuckin' die from this, probably. get the fuck out of my house! what? who the fuck! stay the fuck back, denton! i didn't do shit! i'll gut ya if i have to, tooled ya once, tool ya again! good, man. i'm fuckin' tired. i'm dyin', denton. fuckin' shot. right here- i'm having a little going away party and i don't remember inviting you, cocksucker. so i'm gonna ask you to leave. in my dying moments, i don't want some asshole i barely know around. yes i do! what? i go to the hospital, i'm gonna end up in but that doesn't matter `cause once ted finds out, which he will, i'm dead wherever i am. i'm fucked through and through. now if you'd be willing to give a dying man his wish, could ya run on into the other room and pop in disc two of tu pacs "all eyez on me". i want to listen to it while i die. will you stop saying that, i've excepted it, man. i'm at peace. cough fuckin eh, amigo. blaze of glory, motherfucker. this is awesome! we're so gonna show those motherfuckers. think they can kill me? fuck no, you can't! not how i roll. so, this is the backside of the farm. if you stay low in the grass you should be fine. if someone is shooting at you with an automatic weapon, zig zag. it makes you harder to hit. fuck no! i've been shot. by these guys. i was in shock before, but the air on the drive cleared my mind, i should get to the hospital. you saw reservoir dogs, right? i got shot in the best spot possible. i could have a long and fruitful life ahead of me. full of possibilities. go get `em, slugger. i've no idea. i'm sure it won't be that hard. kill some dude and take his car, or just take it or whatever. good luck, amigo! you just got killed by a ford fiesta motherfucker!!! how you like me now!?! saul! `sup! dude, me and that dale guy are rescuing you. and getting revenge on those whose shot us in the gut. motherfuckers. motherfuckers. light me on fire? kill my fiesta? fuckers. fuck yeah, i'm fine. i'm red. you're makin' me feel like a broken record. now can we get the fuck out of this shit hole. oh my god, they blew your ear off, man! fuck that's gross. can you dudes switch sides? i don't want to look at it. you do have a good talk radio voice. i love that shit, too. i. wait, say something again? you're that dude whose always calling kstar about havin' two garbage days. i totally agree with you, man. i work out of my house, and it's, like, one of my main concerns, garbage pile up. i'm still selling weed. fuck you guys. what the fuck are you guys talkin' about? i don't hear shit. are you guys fuckin' with me? oh fuck. i'm freakin' out. fuck this noise!