and you'll not lay a hand on those under the protection of parlay! my apologies, miss. as you were saying, before you were so rudely interrupted? there was a lot of long words in there, miss, and we're not but humble pirates. what is it you want? i am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. means' no. ' my holds are bursting with swag. that bit of shine matters to me . why? did you, now? no! you have a name, missy? you've got sand, for a maid. and how does a maid come to own a trinket such as that? a family heirloom, perhaps? no, no, nothing like that. very well. you hand that over, we'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return. it's you who invoked the parlay! believe me, miss, you'd best hand it over, now. or these be the last friendly words you'll hear! first. your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement, and so i 'must' do nothing. secondly: you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply. and you're not. and thirdly. maid or not, it fits you. now, none of that. please dig in. no need to stand on ceremony, and no call to impress anyone. you must be hungry. try the wine. and the apples -- one of those next. oh, there would be no sense in killing you, miss turner. would that i could. do you not know what this is, then? it's a piece of the treasure of isla de muerta . ah, so you don't know as much as you pretend. back when cortes was cutting a great bloody swath through the new world, a high priest gave. him all the gold they had, with one condition: that he spare the people's lives. of course, cortes being cortes, he didn't. he'd've made a great pirate, that one. so the priest, with his dying breath, called on the power of the blood of his people, and put on the gold a curse. if anyone took so much as a single piece, as he was compelled by greed, by greed he would be consumed. within a day of leaving port for spain, the treasure ship carrying the gold . something went wrong. the ship run aground, every man aboard dead, save one. he survived long enough to hide the gold ashore. you idiot girl! it's no make- believe! my crew and i, we found the gold, and we did more than take one piece, we took it all. rich men we were and we spent it and traded it and gave it away in exchange there is but one way to remove the curse. all of the scattered pieces of the treasure must be restored in full, and the blood repaid. apple? i'm curious -- after killing me, what is it you were planning to do next? look! look! the moonlight shows us for what we really are! we are not among the living and so we cannot die - -- but neither are we dead! we have all the desires of the living, but cannot satisfy them! ten years i have been parched of thirst, and unable to quench it! ten years, i have been starving to death -- and haven't died! and i have not felt anything for ten years . not the wind on my face, nor the spray of the sea . . nor the flesh of a woman . you'd best start believing in ghost stories, miss turner. because now you're in one. bring her in, not too close. i won't brave the reef, not until high tide. we lay anchor before dark. that is, if it first doesn't sink back down to hell from where it came. hah! be mindful of pits and crevasses. stay together. careful, mate. fall down there, you'd die and miss judgement day -- for not even the lord himself'll come look for you here. aye. and not a bit of it any use to us, only hoarded. but it will drive us no longer. here we stand before the cursed treasure of cortez himself. won by blood, it demands blood in return. you know the first thing i'm going to do after the curse is lifted? eat a whole bushel of apples. what was begun by blood, let blood now end! you. maid. your father. what was his name?! was your father william turner?! where's his child? the child that sailed from england eight years ago, the child who is the real owner of that medallion, the child in whose veins flows the blood of william turner?! where? if you had sailed with morgan for ten years like i have, you'd know not to question me! if any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak! any more talk, i'll chain ye to a cannon and send ye to the watery depths! i'm inclined to kill you now, jack sparrow, without so much as a word, if you don't lose that grin from your face. say the name, or i slit your throat. now. no, don't kill him. allow me the humor of listening to your terms. the pearl? oh, that's fine. and just how do you expect this to work? that's your offer? you, sailing away nice and pretty with the black pearl, and all i have is a name? i'm supposed to . trust you? i'll torture it out of you. blast you! i'll throw you in prison. you're setting me up for a double cross, you with the ship, and me with nothing more than your word! track you down and - jack, i don't trust you, and that's a fact. never trust a smiling man, you can lay to that. you're playing this as close to the edge as any man, i'll give you that. pintel . set sail. if this fool plan is to work, we'll need the medallion, and that means catching the ship which brought 'em here. that fool woman took it. you be careful around her, jack -- she's pretty enough, she'll steal your heart -- but pure evil inside. bosun! set up mr. sparrow's quarters, nice and fine . in the brig. meaning no disrespect, of course. all hands! prepare to come about! strike your colors, you bloody cockroaches! welcome back, miss. last time on board, you played me right clever, make pretending and all. i hope your stay this time is more pleasant. boys, show her some hospitality! what's in your head, boy? you've got one shot -- and we can't die. looks like you're back to having nothing to offer. enough of that! name your terms. we got that part. anything else? agreed. you have my word, as a gentleman of fortune - eh? you have my word, then -- on the good book, i do swear, and the lord spare my worthless soul. boatswain! take your captives belowdecks. chain them in the galley, and teach 'em how to row. hah. look there. that's the very same island we made jack governor of on our last trip. when you sail the open sea as long as i, you learn to trust the signs fate sends your way. jack, elizabeth . i'm a man of my word and you're to be set free, right quick. men, break out the plank! quiet, boy, or you'll lose your tongue. those as know me know i wouldn't cross my word, and bring down bad luck on the ship. i agreed to set them free. i didn't say when. . nor where. now, jack. that reef is less than a league distant. it's a square deal all around, and you can't hope for better. you'd best take a swim, jack. by the powers, you're right! where's jack's pistol? who's got it? bring it forward! tell you what. i'll give you one pistol, and let you be the gentleman, an' shoot the lady, and starve to death yourself! that is, presuming you're not both drownded. so how did you get off that island, anyway? that's fair. the lady's next. but first, i'll be wanting that dress back, if you please. have at her, lads! bring him. turner blood doesn't flow pure in his veins. best play it safe, and spill it all. careful, now. you could fall in and still be wonder'n when you'll hit dirt. blast him! a pox on him, and his father, and the whole damnable line! fan out! find him! thank you, jack sparrow. you couldn't have led him back more directly if you knew exactly where you were going. what was begun by blood, let blood now end! no, i really think i do. why don't i want to do this? no. but him i believe. he is genuinely angry. what're you suggesting? i can't help wondering, jack, why you're being so helpful and all? last time you did that, it didn't end 80 well for you. that so? men! are you up for it? mr. pintel, select five men to stay here. take the rest of the men out . not through the caves. aye, for us there is. confound it, jack -- i was actually beginning to like you! just so you know, jack -- i don't think you're that clever. i think you're a fool. a mortal fool. you can't beat me, jack. so what now, jack sparrow? are we to be two immortals, locked in epic battle until the trumpets of judgment day? or i could chain you to a cannonball and drop you in the deepest part of the ocean, where you can contemplate your folly forever. hah. ten years you carried that pistol, and you end up wasting your shot.