do you fear death? do you fear that dark abyss? all your deeds laid bare. all your sins punished. i can offer you. an escape-uh. do you not fear death? to the depths. life is cruel. why should the afterlife be any *different*? i offer you a choice. join my crew, and postpone the judgment. one hundred years before the mast. will ye serve? ?grand. *you* are neither dead nor dying. what is your purpose here? what is your purpose here? huh! did he, now? i'm sorely tempted to accept that offer. you have a debt to pay. you've been captain of the black pearl for thirteen years. *that* was our agreement. then you were a poor captain, but a *captain* nonetheless! have you not introduced yourself all these years as *captain* jack sparrow? one soul is not equal to another. price? pttt! one hundred souls, three days-uh. i keep the boy. a good-faith payment. that leaves you only ninety-nine more to go. ha ha! ha ha! ha ha! i keep the boy. ninety-nine souls-uh. but i wonder, sparrow, can you live with this? can you condemn an innocent man - a friend-uh - to a lifetime of servitude, in your name while you roam free? three days. three days. will you now? and what would prompt such an act of charity? ha ha ha ha! ha ha! what fortuitous circumstance be this! five lashes be owed. i believe it is. the cat's out of the bag, mister turner. your issue will feel its sting be it the bo'sun's hand, by your own. bo'sun! i accept ?that-uh. the stakes? against? how do you know of the key? what's this? four fours. seven fives-uh. huh huh huh. welcome to the crew, liar. and be called a liar myself for my trouble? bootstrap bill, you're a liar and you will spend an eternity on this ship! master turner, feel free to go ashore. the very next time we make port! you will watch this. let no joyful voice be heard! let no man look up at the sky with hope! and let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake. the *kraken*! *i* am the sea. you need time alone with your thoughts. there are no survivors. the chest is no longer safe. chart a course to isla cruces. get me there first, or there'll be the devil to pay. who sent that thieving charlatan onto my ship? who told them of the key? jack sparrow. they're here. and i cannot step foot on land again for near of a decade. i'll trust you know what awaits should you *fail*! down, then! enough! send his beloved pearl back to the depths! let them taste the triple guns. they're out of range! ?break ?out ?run ### jack sparrow. our debt is settled. open the chest. open the chest, i need to see it! damn you, jack spar-*row*!