will! why is this happening? i think it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. on what charges? *what are the charges?* we are under the jurisdiction of the king's governor of port royal, and you will tell us what we are charged with. *captain* jack sparrow. jack's compass. what does beckett want with that? i have faith in you. both of you. where will you find him? properly? if it weren't for these bars i'd have you already. i'll wait for you. why don't you tell me what's happening? no! will has gone to find jack! he's a better man than you give him credit for. a fair trial for will ends in a hanging. then what is? i expect then that we can come to some sort of understanding. i'm here to negotiate. these letters of marque, they are signed by the king? or else i would not still be here. you sent will to get you the compass owned by jack sparrow. it will do you no good. i have been to isla de muerta, i have seen the treasure myself. there is something you need to know. consider into your calculations that you robbed me of my wedding night. these aren't going to jack. what's that over there? i just wanted the pleasure of doing that myself! james norrington. what has the world done to you? captain sparrow! i'm here to find the man i love. meaning william turner, captain sparrow. jack. i know will came to find you. where is he? davy jones? jack. all i want is to find will. 'course. and you have a way of doing that? how do we find it? where does it point? oh jack! are you telling the truth? to save will? yes, they're signed, lord cutler beckett of the east india trading company. yes, he did say something about a chest. persuasion. decidedly not. jack, the letters, give them back. you do know will taught me how handle a sword. i don't know what you mean. oh, don't be absurd. i trust him, that's all. i just thought i'd be married by now. i'm so ready to be married. no, thank you. oh. except for a sense of honor, and decency and-and a moral center. and personal hygiene. you seem very certain. why doesn't your compass work? because you and i *are* alike, and there will come a moment when you have a chance to show it. to do the right thing. you'll have the chance to do something. something courageous. and when you do, you'll discover something: that you're a good man. i have faith in you. want to know why? curiosity. you're going to want it. a chance to be admired. and gain the rewards that follow. you won't be able to resist. you're going to want to know. what it tastes like. but - seeing as you're a good man i know you will *never* put me in a position that would compromise my honor. i'm proud of you, jack. this doesn't work. and it *certainly* doesn't show you what you want most. beg your pardon? it's real! will! you're alright! thank god! i came to find you! what? everything you said to me. every word, was a lie! stop it! jack! *no*! this is bar-*baric*! this is *no* way for grown men to settle - ! oh! fine! let's just - *pull* out our swords and start *banging* away at each other! *this will solve everything!* i've had it! i've had enough! wobbly-legged, rum-soaked. *pirates*! will! *enough!* oh! oh! the heat! sword! we're not getting out of this. you're mad. norrington took it to draw them off. *hard to starboard!* she's falling behind! what is it? will? will? *will?* there's no boats. as soon as you're clear. step to! oh you coward! he's right, we have to head for land. thank you, jack. you came back. i always knew you were a good man. it's after you, not the ship. it's not us. this is the only way, don't you see? i'm not sorry. he elected to stay behind to give us a chance. go! he was a good man. yes.